Newbie introduction

After weeks of seeing on of my friend's daily updates on facebook I decided to check and see what this "My Fitness Pal" thing was all about. I just joined last night, did some poking around and so far I'm liking what I see. I don't have any "friends" on this site, so if anyone thinks they'd like to send a request please feel free.

My weight has yo-yo'd around all my life. I was heavy as a child, lost weight in my teens, gained it back, lost it again, gained lost gained lost etc etc. I've tried gym memberships, but I don't really want to be working out in front of other people. When I was in university I did belong to the fitness centre there, but I'd work out at 6:30 in the morning when no one else was around. I have a bunch of thngs at home that should help me with losing weight, but so far I haven't been able to stick with anything for more than a few weeks at a time. Then I'll either get too busy, or I'll get sick, or I'll manage to pull something from trying too hard and my doctor will advise me to take it easy for a bit. I can't keep going like that, it's not doing my body any good and it's sure not helping me mentally either.

Last week I started a 4 week fitness bootcamp - working out for an hour 3 days a week at 5:30am. Week 2 starts tomorrow and I'm actually looking forward to it. I've thought about doing this kind of thing for a while but always thought it was too expensive - until there was a special for one on Groupon and I was able to sign up for one at a fraction of the cost. Hopefully having to stick with it for 4 weeks will help me get over that 2 week hump that I keep hitting. I have a Groupon voucher for another one (different company) and I'm on their waiting list for a March session, I'd really like to do one then so that I'll have gone through 4 weeks of doing one, have 4 weeks to try it on my own and then another 4 weeks of bootcamp to reinforce the schedule.


  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    That's awesome that you are looking forward to week 2! You can do this and after the 4 weeks you'll see the great accomplishments you've made and want to keep up on your own before your next bootcamp starts.

    I've found a love for Zumba recently and found a discounted class schedule through our local community ed program so it was affordable for me. It's been difficult rearranging schedules with getting my husband home early enough to watch our kids while I go out to zumba. I quickly want to stop due to the craziness of our schedules, but I have to keep on going and once I start to see the benefits it will all be worth it.

    Me going to exercise has made my kids more aware of it being a way of life and being good for you. They will regularly get up off the couch and start doing jumping jacks just because Mommy said exercise is good for you. Not that they need to lose any weight, but I'm instilling these great qualities at such young ages.

    Feel free to friend me and we'll help each other along the way with positive support! ;)

    Good luck on your second week this week!
  • MrsFranks
    hi my name is sarah i just joined this as im getting married in august and want to lose weight for my big day ive never had much luck with diets n i start exercise programmes and only follow them for a while so hopefully this will keep me motivated