Help?! Sinking

cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, I have a new problem and I hope someone can help.

Thanks to MFP's I am more than halfway to my fitness and weight loss goal. But now that I have lost so much weight my family and my spouse are telling me that I'm going too far. Let me add that I'm 5'4 38 years old and my healthy weight range is 130-145 so my goal of 150 lbs is not stretching the limit by any means. I'm only at 172. At first I didn't pay attention to nay sayers but...

On my birthday eve one of my family members says to me "YOUR FACE IS SINKING IN" When are you gonna stop?! Well, I kinda shook that off and came home to my usually supportive spouse and he says " They are right your face is sinking in." I know my face shape is changing with the weight but now I'm paranoid!

Is anyone else experiencing this?


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yes, I have experienced this. When I tell them how much I weigh they say "Oh - well sure does not look like that". Tell them what you weigh! They are just not used to seeing you like this. Tell them you goals are ABOVE the recommended weight for your height and that you HOPE they will support you in getting healthy. Good luck!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    You look beautiful! You are right, your face may be changing shape, but now you can see your beautiful cheek bones even better! You know you are doing the right thing. It will all be fine!
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I think losing the weight in your face and showing your nice bone structure and cheeck bones underneath is a good thing!!
  • PediNurse67
    PediNurse67 Posts: 66 Member
    You look great & 150lbs is a perfectly appropiate goal for you. You've already lost a good amount of weight & of course its noticeable. So yes, the shape of your face has changed but change is GOOD. Let your family know that you're doing this to live a longer, healthier life & thank them in advance for their support.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Yep, they either mean well, are worried about you and think you're starving yourself... or (not to be negative) they're a little jealous and have liked you bigger for some reason.
    My friend's mom kept sabotaging (not on purpose) because she was overweight too and didn't want to lose that connection with her little girl... she thought they would grow apart if her daughter was slim and she wasn't.
    Only you know where you're happy taking this journey.
    It's interesting seeing the different responses... something to observe and take as a compliment for all your hard work.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    I have not experienced this but a friend of mine has, but she did go under the best for our hight. i think she said she got to 120lb but you could see to many bones if u know what i mean. She has put some weight on, she looks smoking hot & i am very pleased that she has got to where she wanted to be.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I would try to let it roll off however you can. If you feel comfortable telling them the numbers, do that. If you'd rather laugh it off, do that. If you want to bluntly tell them that you're healthy, you're happy, and it's none of their business, do that. Sometimes people are shocked by a change, and they don't like it -- even if it's going to be good for you. Don't let their negative attitude derail you. You've made awesome progress! You're not doing this for them anyway. You're doing it for YOU.
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    Take some photos of yourself and see what you think! You need to think you're beautiful!!!
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