Toning arms

Jenn421 Posts: 56
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey there i am trying to tones my arms up but the problem i have is my left arm is a lot stronger then my right cuz i broke it and had surgery but very much strenght tho. I got a bunch of work out tapes and i cant do some of the work outs they say i got weights 2 three pound which is good for my bad arm but not heavy enough for my good so should i buy like 5 pound or something for my good arm.. just wondering really what everyone does... its one of the spots im having problems with


  • So you're looking to gain strength and balance your arms, right? I dislike the word "toning" because so many people take that to mean "firming" or "shaping", when the best way to firm and shape arms is merely to lose fat, not gain muscle.

    In your case, after surgery, regaining your strength and coordination lost during its immobilization. For that, I'd recommend exercises meant to use the major muscle groups (curling and extension movements), as you've been trying, but just reduce the weight on your recovering arm until such a time as you can up the weight. Try with stretch bands or tubing, which you can get from many sports shops, or from a physiotherapy clinic. If you can only lift a can of peas, then work out with a can of peas until you can work up to a bigger weight.

    I was a semi-avid strength trainer, and I was up to 50lb per side on bicep curls. During a home reno accident, I tore some muscles in my forearm and did bicep damage. When I returned to the gym 4 months later, I was still able to do 45lb on my right side, but I maxed out, mostly due to pain, at 12lb on my left side. I worked 45s on my right, to reverse any loss of strength there, but kept inching up my left, a small amount every week or so, and eventually elasticity, range of movement and strength returned to the point where now, a year later, I am back to equal strength on both sides.

    Stay with it, do what you can do, without overdoing it an reinjuring yourself.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Have you tried 30 day shred by jillian michaels, I had some flabby *kitten* arms and after doing level 2 on that dvd with 3lb weights I got me some definition, seriously its a great dvd!.. soon I'll have jillians arms! :)
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    She is AMAZING.. I have all her dvd's and I switch everyday 3-4 days a week and do different routines. She is the one who got me in shape and into my bikini last Aug.. went from 175-154 as of now. I really want to get off 10 more pounds so i joined today to see what everyone else has to say.. :)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    FYI - as someone said "best way to firm and shape arms is merely to lose fat, not gain muscle" is NOT true. If you want to firm up, you HAVE to tone which includes cardio & strength training. If you just "lose fat" the only thing you will accomplish is a more flabby physique since you now have loose skin to contend with. If you strengthen along with cardio & healthier eating habits you WILL tone, firm, strengthen & get the physique you want.
    I am proof of this: Iam 35 yrs old in better shape than when I was "skinny" in my 20's because I focus on toning, firming & strengthening all over. I mix up my workouts between T'ai Chi, Yoga, Cardio, Abs, Strength: My arms have shape & definition while still looking feminine, my thighs & butt are more solid than ever, my stomach is taking shape - & I mean the good flat shape. But none of this was easy: I've worked hard for this - slowly losing weight and building muscle so my skin can try to regain some elasticity at the same time so I don't end up with sagging skin after losing a bunch of fat.
    As far as the arms being weaker/stronger: you have to find a balance (PS-even without injury, most people have one arm stronger than the other). You don't want to build up one arm with higher weights and be totally lop-sided. If you can only handle 2lbs on the one arm, stick with 2 lbs on BOTH until you're ready to go up to 3's, etc. I've graduated from 5lbs to 8lbs to 10lbs for several exercises, and my weak left arm is now stronger than my right! Time to even them up again:tongue:
  • Jenn421
    Jenn421 Posts: 56
    ill look into that thanks
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