Father's Day suggestions?

Does anyone have any ideas for father's day? I am stumped...lol I thought about a photo t shirt, but on second thought he probably wouldn't wear it..lol


  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas for father's day? I am stumped...lol I thought about a photo t shirt, but on second thought he probably wouldn't wear it..lol
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I got my hub that one year...when my son was a baby...then I got him a pic on a mug when he was two...he still wears and uses both and loves them...course the shirt is soooo worn now...he wears it to lounge around...but loves his bubba's face LOL...

    he's getting coal...I mean! bbq stuff this year LOL....(coal...lol get it!)

  • laureneva
    laureneva Posts: 372 Member
    momentary panic attack, just remembered fathers day is in september for australia lol!

    err... does he have any hobbies? do you do things together?
    start with those type of things
  • BlazinEmerald
    LOL My hubby is getting the same thing I got for mother's day......... nothing .... cause I didn't have time to shope either :mad: It's ok Im not bitter , lol
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I'm getting my dad the beer of the month club. They have a lot of different clubs, like chocolote and lots of stuff at http://www.amazingbeerclub.com/product6.cfm?source=giftscom&c1=BEER&kw=6-month

    That link is for the beer, but it has other links on there.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    cool, thanks for the suggestions..maybe I should join bob to a "vodka of the month club" lol
  • pmd14
    pmd14 Posts: 232 Member
    Could use some help too
    It seem I always get him food oriented things - peanuts, chocolate, cake, cookies, steak,beer etc.
    Hes trying to lose weight so????????
    Clothes are difficult because he is 4x and most of "cute funny" shirts don't go that high and he has enough of regular clothes. Dont also want to buy in that big size hope he loses soon
    Hobbies are a lost cause he does nothing put sit on couch. For christmas we bought all these things to get him motivated back to golf, fishing and even walking but they are collecting dust. What a waste of money?
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Rather than an object, DO something. We are going to a minor league baseball game: box tickets are under $10! I have previously renewed his fishing license & planned a guys day out (husband with my brother in law) so he had to use his fishing stuff, and had a family barbeque.

    If money is tight, make it a pot-luck. It's understood that we all want to get together but can't afford to feed everyone (immediate family-only is over 25 people), so we all make a dish and bring our own meat to throw on the grill. That way we can party all summer long and not put anyone in financial distress over something fun. Just watch who you offer this too, as some may find it offensive. Guess their priorities aren't the same.

    Hmm, other stuff: festivals, car wash (do it yourself or gift-coupons), driving range or round of golf (no cart if working on the fitness!), any sporting event is usually safe!

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Nothing yet on Father's Day, except for the same thing I did for Mother's Day, Lola Savannah for wonderful coffees and teas.

    Lauren, I read your profile today and found out that you are one of the biggest losers here on Motivated Fitness Pals.................... so, Girl, where's your success story????????? Comeon Girl, we need you!:laugh: :laugh: Woo hoo, Lauren!:drinker: :drinker: