Getting Started

Hi, I've been at this for about two weeks and already I am finding it difficult. I wish I could see progress a lot quicker. I'd love to meet others who are embarking on a new journey and would like to support each other through the process :smile:


  • LCooper2010
    You can do it. Just remmber to choose healthy foods, drink plenty of water and stay active. soon that will be a habit and it will get easier.
  • StephenLangford
    StephenLangford Posts: 2 Member
    I have been at this for one week. I am enjoying tracking everything and making sure that I am making healthy choices. I have a long way to go and look forward to what the future brings! Good luck and best wishes:)
  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    Baby steps. Progress, not perfection. Don't try to bite off more than you can chew.

    These are things that I tell myself every day. My goals are to lose one pound a week. That's 4 sticks of butter. One thing that helped me, so far, is to re-think my weight loss goals. I sure didn't gain all this weight overnight, so I can't expect to lose it overnight either.

    With the goal that I've set for myself, I will (hopefully) lose 52 pounds by the end of the year. Glimpsing at the big picture, it seems impossible... but it's not if you take baby steps.

    My first day of monitoring my calorie intact was a harsh brush with reality. No wonder I gained all this weight. Then watching my intake made it easier. That was the hardest part of the battle. Keep it up! If I can do it, you can too!! :)
  • drdianarr
    drdianarr Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all your support and it sounds like you are all doing great - lots of positive thinking! I need a dose of that. I've just arrived in Switzerland for buisness where I have already given in to a small packet of pringles and now I discover the hotel isn't doing any food and the nearest venue is a pizza place. Healthy eating and business travel really dont go that easy!
  • drdianarr
    drdianarr Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all your support and it sounds like you are all doing great - lots of positive thinking! I need a dose of that. I've just arrived in Switzerland for buisness where I have already given in to a small packet of pringles and now I discover the hotel isn't doing any food and the nearest venue is a pizza place. Healthy eating and business travel really dont go that easy!