Realistic Goals?

Hi Folks,

What are some of the goals you have set for yourself? What do you think are realistic goals?

I started out about a week ago around 365 and am at 360. I'd like to set a goal of 120 pounds this year, 10 per month. I'm wondering if that is reasonable if I start exercising and keep changing it up, adding more, as time goes on? I'm okay with not quite getting there but I don't want to intentionally set myself up for failure.


  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I think at the weight you are starting out now, 10 pounds a month is entirely a reasonable goal. You may very well find yourself losing more than that in the beginning. However, as time goes on and you lose more weight, you lose it slower. So when you're getting closer to your goal, you should try to slow down the pace of your weight loss, as your body will burn fat slower when you have less of it left to burn.

    Good luck!
  • cassidystreasures
    set yourself small goals along the way. Say first goal 345. Not a huge goal, but baby steps. I find if i look at my total goal of 80+lbs i get depressed. Small baby steps for me. I got this way, im gonna get rid of the pounds and shoot for the stars!

    This is the best place i have found. Its not family and friends supporting me it's total strangers who are on the same wave as me, if they are trying to loose 150 lbs or 10lbs everyone is suportive of your goal
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Just try to remember that 2 a week is good too and you will be over 100 lbs lighter this time next year. The more slowly it comes off the longer lasting the results are likely to be.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Generally, it seems like 2lb / 1kg per week is about right for safe and healthy weight loss.

    For me, I set up 2lb/week, but reduced it to 1.5lb/week during Christmas/New Year.

    My reality is actually about 1.2lb/week over about a half a year, but that's still pretty good and I'm happy with it.
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Because I want to increase my fertility I have been prompted to loose weight at a reasonably slow pace, it is safer etc so I decided to aim for one pound a week. Then I took into account that I often go into melt down and decided to give myself four weeks off as it were, so I have given myself the goal of 48 pounds to loose this year, with mini goals of 12 pounds every four months. If I make the goals sooner then all the more sweet for me. If I hit 48 pounds before the end of the year I shall set myself some new goals.

    I think that what is realistic is all dependant upon the person. I know what I am like, I know the health issues that I struggle with that could be an impediment to me for example and so have set goals that no doubt about it I will have to work towards but I will still have a chance of reaching.

    Because people tend to stop loosing weight so fast as they become lighter, maybe it would be a good thing for you at first to aim for ten pounds a month loss for the first couple of months, then take stock of where you are? We are very early on in the year, aiming for 120 by the end isn't necissarily unrealistic but many things can change and the last thing you need is to get dissheartened and give up if, for example, you were to fall ill and be unable to keep up with your regime for any period of time. For example, I have asthma and am terribly prone to chest infections. This both limits my ability to excercise (though I hope this will improve as I loose weight!) and puts me out of action for weeks at a time. I've just gotten over an infection that I had since christmas!

    The long and short of it is that only you and your doctor can know what is good and realistic for you :)
  • theatr3geek
    I'm at 118 and my goal is 100 because I'm very petite. I often get asked if this goal is realistic because I have lost 40 pounds already and 100 seems like a very small number. I don't want to look sickly, but I still feel like I look chubby, so those last 18 pounds are important to me.
    I think it really depends on the person. If you're willing to work, anything is realistic!! Good luck, feel free to add me for support :)