Getting Back in the Swing of Things

Hey everyone,

I first joined MFP in the Summer of 2010 after hearing about it from a friend. With the help of MFP, a balanced diet, and 5-6 days of exercise a week, I was able to lose 26 lbs. in about 5 weeks total. Shortly after this, I lost my job and became very depressed for the next several months. It wasn't until last week that I realized that I was tired of feeling sorry for myself and it was time to take this seriously once again. Fortunately, I was able to maintain my weight loss of 26 lbs. during my time off. I'm now five days back into the swing of things and have so far lost another 4 lbs. (weigh-in isn't until Monday though so I haven't put it on my profile).

I just wanted to say hello, introduce myself, and hopefully make some new friends here on MFP for extra support. You're always more successful when you have others keeping you in check. Send me a friend request if you want to join me in my journey to becoming a much healthier, and happier person!

- Mike
