New loser

Hi, My name is Trish. I"m new to this site.....still learning how to enter foods in the diary, etc. Does anyone have any hot tips for using this app ? Any magic ways to lose lbs ?


  • zumba66girl
    Sorry no easy answers...It is hard work and exercise...Eat good...Log all your calories and Exercises and let your pals be here for support. Good luck and Welcome.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    We are all loosers! LOL! Personally I think that if you log in every single day no matter what you will begin to make better choices to keep yourself full, and loose weight. Water helps, and I never really believed that until now. Make your diary visible so you are more accountable, and look at other people's diary to get ideas. The more friends the better, because the support really has helped me! You can get suggestions from them, and the "community" section of people.

    Keep going forward! If you have a bad day, own it and go forward! The corny "it's a lifestyle change" really does apply! Just not all at once or every part of every day. It takes tons of practice. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    Sorry,but if there were easy ways I think we'd all be thin and wouldn't have to work at it. But that's life. We have to work hard every day. Good luck.