
Is anyone else so happy with their body. Last summer, I weighed 100 lbs (I'm 5"3), but over the winter I balloned up to 130 lbs. I was exercising everyday and eating a very healthy diet of 1600 calories. I just want my old, sexy figure back. It is so depressing. I'm eatin 1200 kcals per a day and excersing constantly. Does anyone have any tips for me to get back down ASAP???


  • runnerwithstyle
    runnerwithstyle Posts: 146 Member
    Is anyone else so happy with their body. Last summer, I weighed 100 lbs (I'm 5"3), but over the winter I balloned up to 130 lbs. I was exercising everyday and eating a very healthy diet of 1600 calories. I just want my old, sexy figure back. It is so depressing. I'm eatin 1200 kcals per a day and excersing constantly. Does anyone have any tips for me to get back down ASAP???
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    The only tip I can give you is stick to it! I know that we all would LOVE it if there were a healthy quick fix to our weight problems, but the only fix is not a quick one :( Good luck girl! The days and weeks will add up and you'll be back to your sexy self in no time! :)
  • mzrobbie
    mzrobbie Posts: 33
    I can relate . . . I'm 5' 2.5" and am up to 132. I joined MFP months ago but my commitment level just hasn't been there! (I'm great a logging breakfast and workouts, I log lunches about 50% of the time, but rarely does anything I eat after 3pm make it onto my journal!)

    I haven't weighed 100 lbs since 7th grade (many, many moons ago!), but would be thrilled to be 120 lbs AND STAY THERE! (As a mom of two kids, I give myself a break and say I don't need to weigh what I did when I was 13.) Anyway, a few pounds makes a HUGE difference for us short people - 5 lbs up or down feels like a different body! I've gained 7 lbs in the last 6 months, and all my clothes are too tight on me.

    Obviously, I'm not the best one to be giving advice - I'm even reluctantly pondering Jenny Craig these days - but I do think that if I became dedicated to logging every bite, I would lose weight! I don't think you can think about "fast" - just focus on "steady." I know, that takes a lot of patience, and I'm working on that myself. It's easy to get frustrated and impatient losing only 1.5lbs a week, but at the end of a month, you'd be 6 lbs less, which I'd bet is almost full size for you! The other thing I'd bet is that you would look fabulous just losing half of what you want to lose. Anything more than that is icing on the cake.

    Having said all that, I will note that when I do eat more protein and less white/processed carbs (I'm not talking full-on Atkins here, just a tweak in my diet), my belly does shrink a lot faster.

    Good luck to you! I can certainly empathize!:flowerforyou:
  • mzrobbie
    mzrobbie Posts: 33
    One more thing . . . if you are working out "constantly" and taking in only 1200 calories, your body may start thinking that it's in starvation mode and refuse to give up pounds quickly. If you are burning more than 300 cal/day, you should probably up your intake to 1500.

    Just follow what's recommended by MFP, and you'll be OK!
  • lisabeavers
    lisabeavers Posts: 115
    let me ask you a question: what changed in your life either right before or during the time when you gained 30 lbs? 30 lbs might not sound like a lot to some of us dieters out here, especially ones like me who have sssooo far to go (I'd give my left leg to weigh what you do -- and that is what i'd have to do, literally! :laugh: ) but if you just look at the numbers statistically, then you gained 33% of your body weight in less than 6 months and that is not normal. did your eating or exercising patterns change? If not, i would see my doctor immediately. Its possible you have a medical condition that is causing it. Maybe your thyroid is giving you problems all of a sudden and you just haven't noticed it. Maybe you are getting up in the middle of the night and eating bags of oreos in your sleep and not knowing you've done it (I knew somebody who actually did that). Other things i would consider is trying a "clean" diet of mostly protien for a few weeks (take your vitamens tho) with a few complex carbs and dairy items and maybe have a personal trainer look at my exercise routine and find ways to change it so that it challenges your body more. It really sounds like you are working VERY hard for no success and that is frustrating. If your eating and exercise habits havent changed then i would go see my doctor... now.
  • tikigirl13
    I totally feel where you're coming from. I had a meltdown yesterday and realized I have to make a change. My husband showed me this site over the winter, and I registered but didn't stick to it. I decided to start fresh this morning - June 1st. I need to do this, and I understand what it feels like to be shorter and put on weight. My goal is 25 pounds. My clothes all feel tight, and I'm not comfortable in my own skin anymore. I wish there was a fast way to take it off, but mzrobbie is exactly right.

    These forums are great for support, and I look forward to learning from everyone. It also really helps logging in what you eat daily, but I didn't do too well at that, either. It is surprising to look at - and a good reality check. Hang in there!! We can do this. :flowerforyou:
  • mzrobbie
    mzrobbie Posts: 33
    lisabeavers makes a really good point . . . if you were only eating 1600 cal and exercising every day, it doesn't make sense that you put on such a large amount of weight (relative to your size) in such a short period of time unless something is out of whack with your system.

    have you had a physical exam recently with blood work? if not, that should prob be your next step. . . .
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    I was 5'2" and 98 lbs and felt bloated when I'd hit 100 or something so if you were 5'3" and 100 lbs I kinda feel like ohh maybe I wasn't that thin after all!

    Yes I hate my body. I get into a nervous wreck whenever I go out.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    If you hate your body, just losing 25 lbs isn't going to make you magically love it again. I suggest realizing that your body is under *your* control, and it's an amazing tool that you can use to perform amazing feats of athleticism if you treat it right. You have to appreciate your body before you can ever hope to like it...otherwise you'll just keep following some scale number that really doesn't mean anything at all. I'm 5'0 and 134, and I love my body. It's strong and flexible and meets whatever challenge I put it to.

    Just my .02.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    of course not.
    hence the plastic surgeon in december...