Breast feeding, weight loss, exercise and calorie input

mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Greetings all!
I am currently breastfeeding my 8month old. I am worried that due to my new healthy eating plan and exercising (not very strenuous really) that I am "loosing my milk". I am worried that I am not consuming enough calories to keep up. My daughter seems to not get enough, or isn't interested in feeding much during the day. I will try to feed her but she just gets frustrated. I am feeling quite down about it all and wondering if I should just give up and stop breastfeeding, but then I feel instantly guilty. There is so much negativity about using formula and I don't know what to do. This is my first baby and I have no idea what I am doing. I am eating really healthy foods. Lots of fruit and vegies. Keeping to my calorie intake for the day as set up by MFP. I am loosing weight very slowly and am happy with the progress. Everyone else around me who is breast feeding seems to have lost heaps of weight and is still feeding well, but I am not losing it so quickly/obviously and having trouble feeding.

Any suggestions from the seasoned mums out there?


  • xinzya
    xinzya Posts: 15
    I know that when a woman breast feeds she tends to burn about 500 calories a day or so- just from that act alone- so- healthy eating is definately great but I think that you have to- like exercise- eat those calories back or else your little one is the one who pays the price- That's what I remember from my first go around with nursing- and that's what the "nursing specialist" told me. Hope that helps...
  • Treka
    Treka Posts: 3 Member
    The most important thing you can do is take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby. You will not "lose your milk" by getting back in shape. However, you need to stay healthy, drink lots of water,eat right, take vitamins, feed her whenever she needs food or comforting. Breast feeding is a great calorie burner and slowly but surely will help you get back in form. Slow weight loss is fine...that is how you probably gained it. Take your time. Tend yourself and your baby and remember "breast is best for you and your baby.
    Good Luck You have a beautiful baby and she deserves the best!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've posted this link in other threads, and I think it applies here too:

    Breastfeeding alone takes up to 500 calories. So as a nursing mom, you need to be eating a minimum of 1500-1800 calories a day, before exercise. So then if you burn, say 200 calories with your daily exercise, you need to add that number on as well (or however many you're burning). Also make sure you're drinking lots of water and getting good nutrition so that your body doesn't get depleted -- if you're deficient in a nutrient, your body will sacrifice it in favor of giving it to the baby, so you can find yourself depleted easily if you're not eating a varied diet.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Make sure you are eating good fats. That will help with your milk supply. Also make sure you drink enough water. I am also breastfeeding an 8 month old. I've lost 35lbs but I'm kind of stuck where I am now. I just started the C25K program today.
  • Erikitamay
    Erikitamay Posts: 2 Member
    I have a 10 month old and this is my first baby too! I am also dedicated to nursing for at least the first year and things had been going very well until around 9 months. My son seemed crabby and was nursing every 2 hours, round the clock as if he was a newborn again. I didn't think too much about it (except that I was getting tired of getting up every two hours, again!) and then i decided to try giving him more whole food. i have been reading about "baby led weaning" since before i had my baby and thought it sounded so simple. Around 6 months i started offering food (bananas, avocado, things like that) and he enjoyed it but did a lot of gagging so i pretty much stuck to breastfeeding and offered things every once in awhile. Well, like i said around 9 months, he was crabby and so after all the traveling during christmas was over I started giving him more food. He LOVED it. I guess he was just ready to eat! He is much happier and is only nursing around nap times and bed time...he does usually nurse 1 or twice during the night, but only some nights. In the last two weeks he's been eating 3 meals a day, and snacks. Long story short, I think he wanted food and I probably could've started giving him more around 9 months. I have a few books to recommend if you are interested in "baby led weaning.." I was interested because it said: no formula, store bought baby food, or making baby food...sounded good to me. anyway, here are some books that i've used and found helpful:

    Baby Led Weaning: Helping Your Baby Love Good Food by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett
    Real food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two and Baby's First Foods by Nina Planck...

    Sorry for the long post!
  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you, Everyone, for your posts of encouragement!
    I appreciate all your comments.
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