Family eating

I am trying to lose weight but that is the last thing on anyone in my household's mind. I am currently living with my mom and grandmother and they care nothing about limiting their calories. They make cookies and cakes and have them all over the house ALL the time. Does anyone else have this problem and if so, how to you keep yourself from sneaking too many sweets?


  • TN_Tinker
    TN_Tinker Posts: 143 Member
    I have a man living with me that not only eats those things .. he like me to make them. I do eat them but what I have done is work them into my calorie count. Perhaps a half a slice a pie or only one cookie so that I am not denying my self totally. Just my two cents. I am just beginning the journey
  • healthy_kei
    I don't have this issue but I would suggest trying to limit what you eat. If possible, eat something healthy and filling that will take your mind off of eating those sweets like an apple or pear or raisins, etc. Try chewing some sugar free gum. I don't remember the brand name now but there is some that has the taste of strawberry shortcake and key lime pie. Those helped me with my cravings of those desserts when I wanted them. If none of these things work, search for the item on this site and see how many calories it is and see if it's worth eating. If that doesn't work, then cut a small or thin slice and eat it slowly to savor the taste.