Mom of 3 looking for moms who need to lose weight!



  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and I just ended up gaining a bunch of weight in the last 5-6 months....I'm now almost back up to where I was in my last month of pregnancy! I'm not too happy about it. I'm looking to lose about 30 more lbs, if not that much, at least tone down the flab! :-)
  • caseymcq
    I have 3 boys...9, 3, and 2! It's busy, busy around my house and the hustle and bustle never seems to end! We have to take care of ourselves first if we want to be able to take care of our precious children the way we want! I will be glad to add you and anyone for motivational support! WE CAN DO THIS, LADIES!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Hi All
    I am a mom to 5 kids age 16-4. I have been holding on to the weight I gained with my 1st pregnancy and have not been able to lose it ever since. The weird thing is with the other 4 I did not do the same as I did with the 1st and after each pregnancy I went back to my after the 1st preg weight. I have tried to lose in the past and I think the weight is just super comfy here. I have never been able to diet lose 20 lbs and then gain it back. I don't really know if that is a good thing or not. I did do weight watchers and lost 27lbs, but it took nine months (do the math and that is less than 3 lbs a month) I always thought the more you had to lose the easier it was, not for me. I did keep the weight off until I got pregnant again and wound up back where I started from. I don't meant to sound like I'm complaining. It could be a lot worse. I just wanted to say where I am coming from with my weight loss challenge.

    I plan to make this my new lifestyle and if it takes me all of 2011 I plan to lose 50lbs.
  • mommyof5kids
    Hi everyone! I am a mom to 5 children. They are 9, 8, 6, 3, and 18 months. I am a busy mom who is determined to finally lose the rest of the weight! I was lucky enough to not gain too much weight during my 5 pregnancies (I only gained around 12 pounds with my last preg.), but now it is time to lose the extra pounds I have been trying to lose for years! I am looking to lose at least 30 pounds...maybe 40, but I want to be able to keep it off so it needs to be realistic for me. I do not want to starve myself for the rest of my life to be a size 4, but a 6 or an 8 would be great. I just found this site and I hope with all of the extra support from other people just like me I will finally reach my goal!
  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    About Me
    I am a Wife and Mom of 4 between 11 and 2 yrs old . Just completed a surrogacy pregnancy for another family only 4 weeks ago. Ready to loose all the baby weight and some of what I had not lost from the other pregnancies.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I want to be healthier and teach my kids how to do the same ! Not to mention wanna look better in my clothes and out ( ha ha ) ! I really do not wanna dread this bathing suit season either .

    Look forward to getting to know all of you great Mommies !!
  • kymyas
    kymyas Posts: 10
    I found out about this site from the radio station that I listen to in the morning. I started on January 3rd and don't plan to get off the journey... I'm tired of yo-yo dieting (losing it, gaining it etc). This time I'm going to lose it the right way exercising and watching what I eat. I am pretty busy which makes it pretty difficult to make the right food choices but I'm dead set on sticking to Health Choice meals or my turkey subway sandwiches (hold the chips and soda) especially while I'm at work. I work fulltime & attend school almost fulltime & I have 3 adorable kids (10,9 & 3) my oldest child is (high-functioning) autistic plus I have a great husband who is an awesome dad. I'm 5'5 and started @ 167 but it looks like I'm losing about 2lbs a week.

    Anyone on the same boat friend me I can use the support and I'd like to follow you on your journey as well. Remember if we fall off the wagon we can get right back on!!! Its about making your mind up!
  • drea1029
    drea1029 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 too :) Mine are 9, 6 and 3 and I have 2 almost step-sons who are 12 and 8. Between all the kids activities I cn't keep up!! So maybe losing the weight will help, plus I know it will make me feel better. I have about 82 pounds to lose and that's just to get me where I should be. The weight sticks now LOL.... I wish I had the metabolism I had pre-baby (or even when I was a teenager LOL) We can do this ladies!! :happy:
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    WOW I am amazed at how many moms are in the same boat as I am! When I posted this I figured 10 or so mom would join me! I am so excited to continue down this journey with all of you! Let do this together!
  • MH_Jones
    Hi!!! I am a Mom of 3 also (10, 8, and 6) and I need to lose around 100 lbs also! I started back in June (at 265 lbs) and my current weight is 232. It is coming off... the Holidays set me back a bit though! I am just looking for support in my endevor! I was curious about what different ways you are using to lose? I am doing the HCG diet wihich is working great for me (as long as I stick to it!). I would like to give everyone who reads this a great big YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:happy:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im mum of two, a nearly 9 year old girl and a 15 month old boy. I have been at this for a few months and am just about half way. Wanting to lose about 70lb. Feel free to add me.
  • Marriedn03
    Hi My name is Dianna
    I too am a mother of 3 with 4 grandchildren. I had weight loss surgery 02/01/2010 & have lost 102lbs. I still have 30 lbs to go to get to where I am not overweight. These last 30 lbs seem to be the hardest.
    Anyone else had WLS and having the same problem?
  • jemmabowers
    hi i have 2 children 8 and 10 been big since i had my first and going to be 30 in july so want to be 30 and skinny feel free to add me
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I am the mom of a 4 yr old who is looking to lose about 50 pounds! I go up and down with the weight but have yet to get to my pre-baby weight (although I was close at one previous point!!) I am just recently getting back on track with eating right and exercising! I could use some friends to help keep me motivated!!
  • farmwifemom
    Hello, I just joined here today, so forgive any ignorance on my part - I've a lot to learn! Anyway, I am a mother of two little girls ages 2 and 4 years, and are plannin on one more. We live in the country on a farm where we raise beef cattle and small grains. I actually started trying to lose my weight this past summer - or most of my life, actually! It is such a hard thing to do, and making time to exercise with having children around is even tougher! Fortunately, our town had a "biggest loser" competition and my friend and I got first and second place, respectively! Along with the jackpot, I also won a 6 month gym membership to the local gym - which is 13 miles from us! The best thing about going is that they have a room just for kids packed full of toys and even a tv and videos for them. Today I was able to get a good hour in and the kids enjoyed the outing too! I also have a wonderul friend (Miss 1st place winner!) that keeps encouraging me and makes it fun to work out together. My kids think it is great that mommy exercises and they love to imitate - which is good because I worry about my kids having to be the "fat kid" like me when I was a kid. So, I guess I want to be healthy not only for me, but for them too.

    Good luck and best wishes to you and everyone!
  • WindmillSong
    WindmillSong Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a mom of 4, looking to lose between 40 and 50 lbs. I have 3 boys and 1 girl (finally!) and I'm *Done* :) My third child has severe cerebral palsy, and takes a lot of care -what child doesn't, huh? I've let the stress of tube feedings/meds 3 times a day/specialty doctor appts get to me, and I've finally decided to take back my health. If I want to give my kids the time/energy that they deserve, I have got to do something. I'm working slowly, but we have to start somewhere :)
  • sheila126
    Hello... I would be new to this place... I just started today and have no clue what I am doing... but I too am a Mom of 3. I have a 3 year old little girl, and identical twin 2 year old boys... Needless to say this will be a difficult journey for me. I have decided to train for a half marathon, I figure if I start looking at my goals from a different perspective (instead of at the scale) I may end up getting better results... So for now, I am concentrating on training myself to run/jog/walk 13.1 miles... I'm hoping that will give me the incentive to get off of my butt and get going! Wish me luck... I wish all of you the same! ~Sheila
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm a 28 y/o mom of 2. My son is almost 3 and my daughter just turned 1. I was only a few lbs away from my goal but then the holidays and birthday parties came around and I'm 5 lbs back up. Looking to take those back off and a few more. Feel free to add me :)
  • lillie1201
    Congratulations on your recent and incredible success!!! Mine are 6 & 10 so I certainly don't have an excuse as you do, but I, too, am really ready to do this! I need to lose @ 60 lbs. and if we just look at 10 lb. increments we can climb this mountain and tackle it together! 2011 is the year!! Feel free to friend me and I'll be more than happy to support you in your efforts!:flowerforyou:
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Yes you are busy girl! Good luck and we can do this together!
    I am a mother of 2.. 4 and 2. You would think with all the running around i do with them i would be bikini skinny! HAHA.

    my goal 19lbs by april 29th... probally sounds easy but i doubt it will come very easy for me!