From a loooong time dieter

I've been in weight clubs (T.O.P.S. Clubs......Take Off Pounds Sensibly...& Weight Watchers) several pills/candy...and assorted other diet related sources....since the early 60's. Probably have lost a village of people.
Had to loose before I got pregnant (the first time...1964/65). I have 2 daughters...5 grand children...(3 stepchildren....husbands side...and too many grand & great grand kids to remember.)
Over the years divorced 3 times...married 4 between marriages lost weight. Guess marriage made me contented (like an ole cow) and would gain....again.
Retired (7 years......widowed 9 months...after 26 year marriage....not looking for another).....moved to apartment (2 B/2 B.\) needed second bedroom for 'puter room.
Had to downsize.....get rid of my collection of Old Workbasket Magazines (over 200 copies)....Cookbooks (over 500)...trying to sell my collection of Old Sheet Music.
I still collect recipes...for my "Someday Cookbook".....which I really doubt that...Someday...I might try them. I like easy/few ingredient recipes. 2 ingredient fudge....cake mix cookie recipes...busy day cheesecake...kool-aid pie...and microwave peanut brittle...homemade summer sausage....are a sample of my favorite.
Enjoyment What did we ever do before computer's & cellphones??
That's all for now.
Pat in Indiana.