Part time job has me standing 6+ hours

Hi all! Someone told me that standing clerking (not my normal job) for 6+ plus hours a day twice a week burns extra calories and I should keep track of them...any idea how to calculate that...and is it true? CW 263, full time job is sitting on my keister all day.

Thanks for any help you can give me!


  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I had a job where I was standng and walking for 8 hours a day and I lost NOTHING. I know that your body gets "used" to it.
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    I stand at all my sitting allowed. And no, I don't log those calories. I still lose weight because i eat well and regulate my food and "real" exercise but no I wouldn't try to log more calories.