Some advice about jogging/running please...

SJSchwartz Posts: 131
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi :smile: I've never jogged/ran for pleasure, although I was on the track team in HS (mainly for shot-put, but a race here and there). I'm still in the obese catagory (3 pounds away from over-weight). I have a knee that gives me problems once in a while (missing ligament due to sports injury), although for the time-being it's ok. I don't have a treadmill or any access to an indoor track or gym, so I will have to settle for outdoors in the winter in Michigan. Ok, all that being said, I have always thought it would be awesome to be able to be someone who can jog/run for exercise & pleasure. I've just never been in shape enough and/or just didn't have the gumption to do it. I'm still far from being in shape enough to do a marathon or anything long distance, but I do have the gumption now, and would love to start at the beginning.

Do any of you joggers/runners have any advice for me starting out? Any, I mean ANY advice would be great! :smile:

Thank you so much!


  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I am just starting to run as well. I do it around the house with the Wii Fit. I can't run in my area b/c of traffic, and I am not driving down to the park to run for a mile, lol

  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    Start SLOW!!! That is the key when you've never run before. I started out doing a walking workout with just 1/4 mile running. Then continued to up it. Now I can run miles without a problem. You just have to get your body used to it. It also helps to have a training goal at first like a 5-K or mini marathon as a goal. Good luck!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    C25k its Couch to 5k its a really awesome 9 week running training program that slowly gets you from walking with a little bit of running to be able to run the whole distance, I am currently on week 4, and I LOVE it and I used to HATE running and I am still in the obese category. I totally recommend looking into it, they also have an awesome app for the ipod that tells you when to walk and when to run, you can also just google it to learn more but i definetly recommend it!
  • classyleo77
    classyleo77 Posts: 98 Member
    I started with the Couch to 5K program and had great success.
  • Thanks Ladies! I'll check out that C25K. How about what to wear while jogging/running in the wintertime? I really am clueless... :tongue:
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm no expert, so take my advice as such, but I started running about 5 years ago to try to lose weight after I had my fourth--and last--child. I started running just a little bit at a time, slowly, until I was able to build up to running for an hour (about 5 miles) without stopping. My humble advice is don't give up! You will probably hate it and be in pain often as you begin, but in time you (hopefully) will grow to love it and will look forward to going out on your daily run!

    I love this quote: “If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.” John Bingham, runner and author.

    Everyone can be a runner, so bundle up and get out there and do it--a little at a time and one day at a time! And make sure you have good shoes :)
  • Canonoch
    Canonoch Posts: 120
    You may want to get some knee support. I saw these bands for knees at Walmart and are for moderate support. They wrap around the knee under the knee cap and are for running and jumping. I started doing 25 secs jogs til I felt recovered and then another jog. Did that for a week then went to 30 secs. I was planning on increasing 5 secs per week. I was up to 35 secs when I hurt my knee. now I'm not sure if I can even try jogging again second time this happened to me. I you have a bad knee some knee support may help you out.Good Luck:drinker:
  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    Don't bundle up too much! You should be a little cold when you start out. You will warm up. That's why I hate to run outside in the winter. I am a wimp! Wear gloves and cover your ears. Usually I wear a lightly insulated running shirt and running tights under yogo or sweat pants.
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