ED recovery, I want to lose 100lbs the healthy way!

hellotini Posts: 29
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Christine. I'm 20. I'm 5'0 and I can now say I'm under 200 first the first time in a long time. I've been bulimic for the past 9 years. I'm doing every thing I can to get healthy and get my life back. Today is my 12th day since starting to "recover", I guess. I'm looking hoping to meet people who have had eds or losing 100 lbs, to motivate each other! My goal is 130-ish (126 will be 100lbs) but may main goal is 153, so I can lose that "obese" label.

great meeting you all! and best of luck to everyone!


  • Hello! I sent a friend request. We're different, but not that much. I am a lot taller, so my numbers are different. I am older (35), but time passes quickly. I was anorexic, not bulimic (but if anyone tells you anorexics never purge, they're probably just embarrassed to say they purged). I recovered about 4 years ago, but I can't say the thoughts are always completely gone. ESPECIALLY when I have to lose weight. Which I do, since I have had 2 kids during these last 4 years. I'm doing pretty well. But sometimes I have "skinny dreams" or something, and then it is on my mind all day. Anyway, you can do it!
    Friend request sent!
  • Hi, I have been struggling with an ED for years and I have been in recovery for a little over a year now, so I know what you are going through, I would like very much to be your friend, be-friend me so we can talk
  • Doug2011
    Doug2011 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Christine. I never had an ED but I have to lose 100 lbs. We can all do it together and take out time. It didn't go on overnight but there is a lot of help here. If you have any questions pease let us know
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Hey Christine,

    111lbs is my goal, you are off to an amazing start, keep up the good work :smile:

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