anyone else doing a low carb diet?



  • fadingsecret
    I have done low carb diets befor and if u restrict ur carbs and hardly eat any u will lose weight but as soon as u start eating them again it will come back gaurenteed. I would suggest doing low carb low fat but eat good csrbs not the bad ones, for a healthy balance. it will be easier to stick to in the long run (for me at least )

    I second that.... I had a lot of success with a carb free/low carb plan before. It flew out the window for me the first time I had pasta again. All the weight came racing back with an extra 20lbs to add. So far this calorie counting and focus on healthier foods has been working out for me.

    I can understand exactly what you are saying, and yes if I was to start eating pasta again I would put the weight back on and probably loads more, but this is supose to be a way of life not just a momentary diet. I've done calorie counting before and I find it doesn't work for me, I did lose alot of weight but because I'm starving all the time, I would then binge on sweets in the evening and throw the diet out the window, Or I would allocate my calories to sweets and just eat chocolate and sweets and cakes all day. So i supose it just depends what works for different people. I have a major sugar tooth so fingers crossed this low carb thing will help me control it, but it might not help everyone.
  • sweetgl
    sweetgl Posts: 108 Member
    I'm trying to try a low carb diet. I'm trying to lose 10 pounds that I some how gained this last year and I'm hoping cutting down on the carbs does the trick. I'm not going to go crazy and eat barley any but I figured if I stay around 100 grams a day I should hopfully easily shed the 10 pounds within the next 2 months! It is hard though because I sure do looooooove my carbs! Wish me luck! Good luck for you guys too :)!
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    I have done low carb diets befor and if u restrict ur carbs and hardly eat any u will lose weight but as soon as u start eating them again it will come back gaurenteed. I would suggest doing low carb low fat but eat good csrbs not the bad ones, for a healthy balance. it will be easier to stick to in the long run (for me at least )
    Completely agree. I have done this in the past for quick fixes, knowing the water weight would come off fast, but also hoping to maintain the lifestyle. Not realistic at all the weight just comes back. It was always a waste of time for me. Some people are able to swear off even healthy carbs and the weight may not come back for them....
    Good luck
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am a believer in Atkins but I'm not doing the induction phase by the book. I'm cheating by having nuts and other foods not on the list of allowed foods during induction. I count my carbs and try to not go over 20g a day (as per induction rules). It's working great so far and I don't feel that I'm missing out on anything. Finding recipes for low carb foods also helps. I find myself in the kitchen cooking more than ever now. Making "Oopsie" Rolls, and Cauliflower Pizza. Who knew low carb could be this much fun?

    Just words to the wise and giving general advise. I have been low carbing off and on since 2003 - it works, however it takes a mental and physical change to adhere to for life.

    As a believer in Atkins, you know there are reasons as to why the book is written in the phases it is written in, with the foods added in, in a particular order?

    You could have food intolerances that you will not pick up because you are not eliminating and then slowly adding back in the foods.

    This is the main reason why induction is written as such, along with getting rid of the sugar and starch cravings.
  • johaleesi
    johaleesi Posts: 55 Member
    I am a believer in Atkins but I'm not doing the induction phase by the book. I'm cheating by having nuts and other foods not on the list of allowed foods during induction. I count my carbs and try to not go over 20g a day (as per induction rules). It's working great so far and I don't feel that I'm missing out on anything. Finding recipes for low carb foods also helps. I find myself in the kitchen cooking more than ever now. Making "Oopsie" Rolls, and Cauliflower Pizza. Who knew low carb could be this much fun?

    Just words to the wise and giving general advise. I have been low carbing off and on since 2003 - it works, however it takes a mental and physical change to adhere to for life.

    As a believer in Atkins, you know there are reasons as to why the book is written in the phases it is written in, with the foods added in, in a particular order?

    You could have food intolerances that you will not pick up because you are not eliminating and then slowly adding back in the foods.

    This is the main reason why induction is written as such, along with getting rid of the sugar and starch cravings.

    Hi Grokette :smooched:

    I understand about that. I have done Atkins on and off too since roughly 2003 as well, the last time I did it (for real) being in 2003 right before becoming pregnant with my son. Since I've done induction before, and I know that I don't have an intolerenace to these foods, wouldn't it be safe to assume that I could have these foods this time around? Just wondering. I don't want to sabotage my efforts :ohwell:
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    Hi fading, I had spag bol and salad for tea, I seem to be unable to cut my carbs that much, mainly due to the banana and museli I have for breakfast, but im sticking at about 80-100g a day and not eating carbs after lunchtime, think its why im feeling a bit yuck, my bodies use to lots of bread and potatos.
    And I can't help checking the scale, it's what drives me as that's where I can see that it's working, however I won't update my ticker till Saturday and then I will update weekly.

    Anyone has any ideas of what is best to drink alcohol wise and how many as come the weekend I will want a drink!!
  • LowCarbAmanda
    I've been doing low carb since September 2010. I'm sort of doing Atkins. I'm having about 20 net carbs/day give or take, and never more than 30. I'm staying in ketosis, both for weight loss, and for the benefits it has for my epilepsy.

    I do think a key to long term success will be not seeing this as a temporary fix, but as a lifestyle change. It also helps to plan in advance! Here's a fantastic website full of low carb recipes:

    Good luck! :)
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    Wow...thanks Peg...I am almost the same as you. Am trying to maintain about 20 carbs a day..some days over, some under. The very first week was a killer, but after that has been great. Lost 5 lbs the first week and feel really good. Thanks for the recipe site...I am off to take a look.