water play a role?

can not drinking as much water on the weekend cause a slight gain on the scale Monday morning despite eating right?
I'm not eating any differently then I do during the week, working out the same amount, but it seems after my weigh in on Friday I always go up on the scale by Monday morning, then work my butt off trying to lose it and more for my next weigh in on Friday.
The only thing I can think of is my water intake is not as much, also maybe I dont eat my breakfast until a few hours later... do these type of things play a big role?


  • Carol_can_do_it
    I notice when I do not get all of my water in a day I either stall or show a minor gain.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Most certainly it can. But day to day, it will fluctuate anyway.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Day to day fluctuations are very normal. A lot of it is water retention, and apparently our bodies are hard wired for it, and its something we have no control over.

    If you are eating breakfast later in the morning, thats ok, but be sure not to skip it. The early intake ramps up your metabolism. One thing I've tried lately is to have larger breakfasts and smaller dinners so that I have more of the day to burn the calories That being said, watch your sodium intake, as it has a large effect on the amount of water your retain, and if you are weighing yourself daily, don't get dejected over weight jumps of a couple of pounds day to day.

    Good luck,
