Second Week of diet

I am on my second week of dieting I lost 6 pounds last week. Got on the scale this morning and I gained 2 pounds WHAT! I have been staying within my calories and working out 5 days a week. What is going on? Can somebody please help me understand this?


  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    The first couple of weeks are really tough. In the first week, you lose a lot of water weight, which would explain the 6 pounds. And you have to add up so many factors to see where the 2 lbs came from. Are you eating a lot of sodium? Is it that time of the month? Have you been eating your exercise calories?

    The important thing to remember is that this is a lifestyle change, and you will go up and down depending on lots of different factors. Weighing in last week, I lost a pound just after going to the bathroom. Do you feel better? Do you feel healthier and stronger? The weight WILL come off if you stick with it, but your body needs time to adjust to this new way of living.

    Hang in there, you can do it!
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    last week was my first week. i weighed myself this morning and i lost 3lbs...

    cant wait to see next week, i hope it isnt the same outcome.

    Maybe she is right water weight, did you weigh urself the same time of day as the last weigh in.

    REMEMBER THOUGH you lost 6 lbs then gained 2... so you still lost 4 lbs, that is 2 lbs a week. That is still a great accomplishment. :)
  • sweetestthing
    I think we are on a very similar journey. It is very frustrating, especially when you know you have been so good and are expecting big numbers and this happens. I agree could be lots of fluctuation in terms of water weight, that time of month, sorry to be gross but bathroom etc. If you are sticking to calories and working out, you will lose weight. No other explanation for it. We have seen enough of the "Biggest loser" and "Jackie" show and all the rest to know, if you work out and eat below your calories, you will lose weight. So keep your chin up and stay motivated and dont let a couple of fluctuations get you down. Next week be extra good with sodium, try to sweat more and make sure you are regular!! :)