Hi and Good Luck

Hello Everyone,

My name is Mandi and I am from Long Island, New York. I am a habitual pill dieter and have fluctuated in weight between 160 and 275lbs. I gained my most during my two pregnancies and weighed 275lbs at 5'6". I am currently 250 and would like to be at 160 by June. I know realistically that may not happen but I am not going to give up. It's true what they say about diet pills and fad diets it's never permanent. For myself and to teach my children that there are no "quick fixes" , I am doing this without pills this time. I truly believe that this will be the longest it has taken to lose the weight but that I will succeed staying healthier and thinner longer. This means complete life changes and thanks to the my fitness pal app on my HTC EVO I have the tools I need at hand all the time. It's been one full week and I've lost 7lbs all because of the easy to use calorie counter and diary. I am amazed and proud, this is my moment!

I wish all of you the best of luck and hope we can share success stories in the end. Thanks for reading my post!



  • mquillen
    Hi there, Good for you for trying it the right way. I lost 45 pounds at 52 years old. I've kept it off for 16 months. Learning how to eat healthy and my biggest help in keeping it off is cleansing, Stay strong .