SBF Reboot Boogaloo!... 1/17

mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning my friends!

    How is everyone?

    I am still sick but I am getting better each day. I have pretty much lost my voice, and Alex laughs at me and then he gets his doctor kit and checks my ears, heartbeat, throat, and gives me a shot. :happy:
    I am beginning again today. I don't know how much I will get done but I am going to put forth some effort. Goals are: tumbling class, school, cleaning the house, drinking lots of water, and hopefully a walk on the TM. The cleaning might do me in though. I feel pretty run down today. I am suppose to meet with a friend tonight. Hope I have a voice by then.
    I have also decided to get off Facebook for awhile. I don't do much on there except check posts but that probably takes more time than I realize. I just think it's a good idea for now.
    I hope you all have a great day today!

    Making a new start boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I agree with you on the peebs here, MM. I feel closer to you guys in some ways than people I see occasionally. I think it's the daily (or weekly) contact. Since I call everyone by their initials, my husband knows who I'm talking about.

    The last day of the workshop was fun. Day three video hasn't been posted on Christina's site, so I don't know if her husband got me doing crazy arm balance. I'll keep y'all updated.

    Today, Charlie has the day off (MLK day), so we are doing the pictures for my paper and going to yoga. I'm going to get a walk in this morning too.

    Crazy armbalance, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Just dragged my butt through a dance class. I kept telling myself "well, if you pass out, at least you'll know where the edge is." I just can't stay cooped up all the time. I just can't. The interesting thing is that the migraine keeps changing. Today, it's vertigo, nausea and general shiny-ness. I did find out that there is a headache clinic at the health centre at the university, so I'm going to try to get a referral to them (using one of the health centre walk in people) tomorrow.

    Goals for the week:
    M, W, Th, Sun dance with two caveats for myself: I can leave if I really feel I can't finish the class, and I can modify moves to be less exerting.
    T and F yoga or "ballet conditioning" DVD (didn't feel it until we started to do leg isolations in class today.)
    Sat: off or arc trainer (depending on energy levels).

    And, yeah, I "talk" to you guys more than just about anybody. I'm grateful for the support, my pebbs.:heart:

    haven't fallen over yet, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Aww, I miss checking in with you guys every day! It's been a while since I've done that. A lot of it is just time - I used to check in in the mornings before work sometimes, but now I have to get up early and commute so I don't do it. And when I'm working late I feel pressed for time - there's only so much time at home with my hubby between work and bed (and I have felt perpetually sleep-deprived since I switched jobs). Some of it is just not feeling like I have anything worth talking about - at least nothing that seems stronger, better or faster! I really lost my mojo when I hurt my ankle and I've been struggling to find it again. But, I definitely consider all of you my friends - even if we've never met. :flowerforyou:

    I fell off the non-distracted eating wagon a little bit last week, partly because I was fighting off a cold and didn't want to leave the couch. But I am back to it. Still need to get more active. I was thinking that actually my ankle didn't hurt much when I was in Costa Rica, or right after I got back, so maybe I just need to walk more. I feel silly going to the gym just to walk on the treadmill, but - I don't have a treadmill, and there's not a lot else that I can do activity-wise. The Kinect game seems to have too many squats and lunges.

    Mary, I've been working a bit less lately at the new job than I was towards the end at the old one - but it's still often more than I'd like. I keep fantasizing about recruiting two awesome former co-workers (one from each of my last two jobs) and going into business together, where we get to be sane and solve problems - but consulting can be a tough gig if you don't want to travel all the time. I love the work that I do, when I get to do it right - but so often I feel frustrated by bad decisions outside my control. Just today I was fuming over something that got dropped in my lap - and then I started thinking about MLK, and Gandhi, and the idea of really living/thinking/speaking peace. True nonviolence in one's words and thoughts as well as one's actions... it's something to strive for, anyway. I dunno - maybe some day I will figure out what I want to do with my life!

    V, I wanted to tell you about my Christmas present to myself - I thought about it after you were describing your torture sessions with your PT (adhesions, "trauma victim", etc). It's called a Theracane, and it looks like a goofy J-shaped piece of plastic with little knobs on it. It's designed for self-massage, particularly on trigger points/knots/adhesions. I have a lot of knots and ropy muscles in my back, and I really like deep massage - this makes it a lot easier for me to find a knot and apply a lot of pressure without a lot of effort or strength required. Anyway, it's not too pricey - and so far I am loving it! Good luck with the headache clinic.

    MM, I hope Alex's shot works quickly to help you finally lick this thing! Sorry for the friendship "drama" - though it is probably best to lay everything out on the table, and then you can actually come together honestly. I had a friend that I had to do that with once - I had been avoiding them because they had behaved insensitively at a difficult time in my life, and finally I realized I needed to just come clean and tell them how I felt. We got through it, and I don't hold any of that resentment any more - thank goodness. I am considering cutting back on FB as well - maybe only checking it once a day and focusing on my closer friends/family. It probably makes more sense for me to check in with you guys and write emails to my closer friends if I'm strapped for time - leave the random links and browsing for the weekend!

    Ok, it's late, and I've written my weekly novel. Maybe I will manage to post a bit more often, now that I've said so. :wink:

    Peace, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    "so often I feel frustrated by bad decisions outside my control" although slightly long, could be the title of my autobiography, CP... get out of my head.

    Yesterday I had a long talk with my acupuncturist, and she brought me some mysterious herbs from Chinatown. "let's get your sleep right, get you out of crisis mode and then go to the doctor when the doctor isn't as stressful. . .if you're not sleeping better in a few days, and if that's not helping you overall, then go to the doctor." Seemed fair. I went home after a needle session/massage, took the herbs and went to bed. I slept. all. night. For the first time in weeks if not months. I do not have a headache right now. My old (good) rheumatologist in the states theorized that fibro is at its root a sleep disorder. Fingers crossed. It seems so basic, but I think a few nights of good sleep will help to fix me. I completely understand what she meant by "get out of crisis mode" right now, I'm in an "I can't possibly do one more thing, or talk to another doctor who is going to roll their eyes at me." state.

    Other than teaching/commute-walking, I'm going to try a light yoga session...Mary, do I replace full chaturanga with going to hands and knees? I think that's the modification I remember.

    sleep is good, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, glad you got some sleep last night!

    CP, so good to see you checking in more often. I really hope things turn around for you soon with working long hours and with your ankle as well.
    Mary, did they post the video of you doing the crazy arm balance?

    Slowly I am getting better. I still feel run down and lacking energy. I am still losing my voice but it is getting better. I went to bed with a headache, thinking I could sleep it off, but it's still there this morning. That's not nice. I had a slice of apple pie last night when I went out with a friend and I wonder if maybe there was something in it?
    I am really struggling to get back on track. Motivation and energy just aren't there yet. I didn't get a walk in yesterday but I did get some much needed cleaning done. Still have a lot of cleaning to do. I keep thinking just one more day of rest and I will get back to working out tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and I'm still worn out. I am not a high energy person, so things like this wipe me out.
    Today is my busy day so I don't know if I will have time or energy to walk. I think I am making excuses. Really I just don't have it in me right now. My hubby and I have been going through some spiritual stuff the last few days and feeling discouraged about a few things, so we're both feeling run down. :frown:

    Need to fight boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Video is up, I'm at .43 sec. (but the still pic is my new avatar) If you watch it, make sure to look at the mirror - it was raining inside that space, no, I'm not exaggerating, next to the windows I felt drops coming down from the ceiling. Monday's video post. Christina posted the still pics on FB, so I'll put the pics on there too.

    V - you can replace chaturanga with knees down chaturanga, but if it's hurting your shoulder in full, it will hurt in 1/2 - any chance you husband could take a picture of you in chaturanga (front and side) and send it to me? Chances are, you should work to get the shoulderblades towards each other and down the back. It will help if you look forward slightly. Pictures help. I just noticed in the pictures from this weekend that my left shoulder is coming forward more than the right. To take out chaturanga, you would just go from plank to up dog.

    CP - I hope you get to check in more often. I thought that's what people did a work.:wink:

    Today - take a break from yoga and walk.

    Pictures, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Glad you got some sleep, V. I know what you mean about feeling like you can't handle one more thing - and health problems definitely exacerbate that feeling. Oh, did I mention I hate going to the doctor when I have a real problem because I usually feel like crying after? Yeah, I resemble that.
    Awesome pic, Mary! Occasionally I get a spare moment at work, but I usually spend it chatting with my friend that never has time to talk outside of work. :tongue: Nah - the truth is, I was on a conference call ALL DAY today. Blech.
    MM, you may just need to let yourself rest for a bit longer. Sometimes you need to psych yourself up, and other times you may just need to take care of yourself. :heart:

    I went to belly dance today, and ate breakfast and dinner at the table. And, I managed to leave work at work. For now, that's enough.

    Two days in a row, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Pebbs, :heart:

    I feel a little bit better this morning. I have my voice so that's an improvement. I didn't cough during the night so that's also an improvement.
    I figured out how to get my almost 18 year old cat to "chase" things and how to make Alex giggle really hard at the same time. I tied her toy mouse to Alex's radio control car. :smile: She didn't run but she followed the car around and moved her front legs batting at it. It only lasted maybe five minutes and she was done but that's more than she usually does for exercise. :laugh:

    My goals for the day: school, clean, make a grocery list, and get my rear on the TM. I should be able to do that. I have toyed with the idea of started girl push ups again, in spite of my wrist, but I don't know if I can even put pressure on it. I may try doing it on my knuckles. I just miss doing them. It would be some motivation for me. I will also aim to start intervals next week after I kick this crud. So I am making goals again. Oh and more fruits and veggies. Gotta work on that. I might post later to celebrate if I actually got on the TM. :wink:

    Small improvements boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Got some work on the paper done yesterday. We need to redo some pictures, but I have the video sequenced, so we are ready to film on Thursday. I plan on being finished with the written part tomorrow.

    Today is double yoga, and I don't have much time for anything else.

    Progress, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Gaaah! My bedroom ceiling is leaking. This has been a consistent problem in my apartment. My landlord "fixes" things, instead of fixing them, if you catch my meaning. I was awakened (awoke?) from a sound sleep at 5:30 because it was dripping on my face. Chinese water torture.

    Whoo, that feels better from yelling about it. We seemed to have fixed the problem temporarily (ice dam on the roof, we went out and knocked down...) so I'm hoping the dripping will stop. Ugh.


    Today is dance class at 9, a stop at the produce market for supplies to make soup in the crockpot, an appointment/some walking downtown this afternoon and then home to get some work done. I picked up a draft with revisions to make yesterday. I peeked at it, and it was bleeding (red pen everywhere...) Today I will face the reality of starting another re-write. I told my students yesterday "it's not the writing that gets you an "A". It's the re-writing." When I told them I was on the sixth draft of a paper I'm getting published, which hopefully is now ready to go to an editor so that he/she can suggest still more re-working, they looked like I had slapped them in the faces. Ah, reality is so much fun!

    I feel better today. Actually better. I have no idea what is in these herbs (I console myself by saying I don't really understand what's in a prescription bottle, either) but they seem to be helping. I'm sleeping, but I don't feel groggy when I wake up. It could just be the effect of two nights of real sleep (with dreams...weird, vivid dreams) but I feel like I'm on an upswing.

    Upswing, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi everybody. All of a sudden work has gotten really bad this week. I didn't leave until nearly 9pm tonight, and I get to be back by 8:30 in the morning. Yay. I mean, this sucks. I'm actually not even really feeling all that upset, though. That may be a bad sign, I don't know. I am still compelled to do the work and do it well, but I think part of me no longer cares. Hmm.

    Dinner at 9:30 but at the table, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, sorry to hear about the ceiling. I hope getting that snow removed took care of it. I of all people know what it's like to have things "fixed".
    CP, so sorry you had to work so late last night! I hope those long days become fewer and fewer for you. :flowerforyou:
    Mary, I hope your filming goes well today.
    Hello to everyone else! :happy:

    I'm sitting here trying to think of something good to say because I don't want to sound like I am complaining, but nothing is coming. :laugh: Life isn't that bad. I am getting better, but now Steve and Alex appear to be sick. :frown: Why did it take a week for them to get it from me? Also I have to go out today and it's cold, very windy, and rainy. I don't like any of those. lol. Actually it appears the wind has calmed a little and it may not be raining, so things are looking up already! :happy:
    I walked on the TM for 40 minutes yesterday! Yay! I didn't get much house work done though. My motivation for working out is just not there. I know once I get going again regularly that it will be easier. Right now it's just a miracle that my pants still button.

    Goals today: shop at three different stores, school, laundry, walk on the TM, and piano lessons for Alex (yeah he's better than me and I'm teaching him. Yesterday, my jaw dropped when he went to the keyboard, started singing a praise song and played the notes to it while he was singing! He's got a really good ear! No one taught him that. He just did it! I do not laugh when he hears a song on the radio and says, "Hey, I can play that on the keyboard!" He probably can.) I am also trying to get back to no wheat at home, so I am experimenting with GF flour in my usual flour recipes.

    Making changes boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Just a quick check-in before I leave to go to Zumba. My doctor (the one I don't like) called yesterday, and I need to go in today for a follow up. This is one of two things: either he realized he was an insensitive oaf the last time I was there and wants to actually do something, or there was something up on my ultrasound. I'm nervous either way. I've actually asked my husband to go with me (which I never do, as I'm aggressively independent).

    So, plans for today:
    Zumba, more soup (the recipe I made yesterday made a lot of soup. I'm also going to freeze some today), trying to edit my current draft (I didn't even have the nerve to look at it yesterday. ugh.) and the doctor followed by either freaking out or calming down. I realize that I could say, about every event in my life "followed by either freaking out or calming down."

    MM, I hope you have something wonderful happen to you very soon. I feel like you're just bearing a pretty big burden of "blah", and think you deserve only the best.
    CP, boo to long days. boo to them.
    Mary, hope the writing/filming went well.
    Everyone else, come back...I miss stalking you.:tongue:

    Freaking out or calming down, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    .I realize that I could say, about every event in my life "followed by either freaking out or calming down."

    Anytime I think it's cold, I look at Canada, and I'm no longer cold. Pretty much, their Fahrenheit is our Centigrade. :wink:

    9pm is just crazy, CP.

    Today - hopefully the filming and the retakes of pictures - also, finishing the paper and maybe leaving the house, just to do so, but it is cold outside. Walk this morning and yoga at home this afternoon.

    Finding calm, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Thanks V. :smooched:
    Mary, I have Moscow on my weather on my phone and it's snowing all this week and high's are in the teens, so yeah, it's not as cold here. :wink:

    My update: I did light intervals on the treadmill today! Yay! And for the first time in a long time, I got off the treadmill and realized that it felt great! It really revived me. :bigsmile: I walked four minutes and jogged one minute and so on for 40 minutes. I think I am going to try to do that at least 3 times a week.
    I am also logging my food today. I took V's advice and set my goals to .5 pound which is 1500 cals. We'll see what happens.

    Happy feet boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Just got back from the doctor. I have "significant plaque" in my carotid arteries (66% is super bad, I'm more at 35-40%) and my family history (my grandfather dropped dead at 47...went to the barn and never returned) puts me now at a "high risk" for a heart attack. Me and Jim Fixx, I I came home with a prescription for Lipitor and a bit of a case of the unfairs and their ugly step sister the "what'sthepoints?" I'll get over it.

    Interestingly enough, my chiro...who insisted that I have this test (although my doctor deemed it unnecessary) may have just saved my life. So, that's good, right.

    In other news, we in Canada will say when it's cold "well, at least it's not Yellowknife". :laugh: (-30 Celsius in the winter is quite common...I don't know what that is in F, except just mind-numbingly cold). I wonder what people who live in the arctic circle's a link to a video of a boiling water experiment in Yellowknife.

    Get to come back from the barn, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, That's crazy! I am glad you had the test done. We need you around here for a really long time! So the Lipitor will help get rid of the plaque then? (and it was crazy cold in the video.)

    Last night I went to see the girl that I was talking about earlier in the week (the one I offended without knowing it), and it was good to meet up again and talk. I didn't realize how much I missed her friendship until last night. I'm glad we got over things. :smile: This has been a very weird week. That happened with my friend, things are weird at DH's work and then we had to confront someone about their 'tudes and it didn't go over well. It's just been weird. I'm ready for it all to pass.
    Just for the record I will not be within cals today. We are going to my favorite restaurant tonight with friends. I get french fries while I am there. Just can't pass them up. I will try to behave the rest of the day. I will get on the treadmill and walk again today. We are suppose to socialize again tomorrow which could mean eating out again. Yeah, this isn't helping my loss but I have been antisocial for about 6 weeks. My "let's get together" list is getting long.
    Hope you have a great day!

    This too shall pass boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Loved the video, V. Hope you get rid of your plaque - so what is normal?

    Enjoy being with friends, MM. We are trying to figure out how to get together with everyone for next weekend (happy birthday to me) - when we have two friends that don't like each other. This is what we have planned for next weekend: Friday night - just the two of us for dinner, Sat lunch - one group, Sat dinner - parents, Sun lunch - other group, Sun dinner - cousins in town. Lots o' food - I'll keep it minimal on the dessert though. I had one yesterday (banana, piece of fudge, whipped cream - goes under the category of "made myself" - I'm pretty good at making my own desserts rather quickly)

    Still didn't finish the paper yesterday. Maybe today? We made the video with Charlie's new camera, only to find out it was all blurry- so next week, we'll be doing that. He has all weekend to figure out how the camera works.

    Today - triple header yoga! Teach this morning - then group practice right before a workshop - so 4.5 hours if you count teaching.

    Triple yoga, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    No workout scheduled today. I may go to the gym for a spin bike or arc trainer session later if I have nerves to burn off. Or, I could do yoga or ballet DVD at home to try to calm down.

    So, after yesterday's events, I have chosen a combination of "freak out" and "change any stressors that are possible to change." (I actually prayed the "serenity prayer" last night, and then woke up and made a list of "stressy things" separated by "can change" and "can't change". To that, I've started to look for a new apartment that doesn't involve rain in the bedroom every spring thaw, and has a bedroom I can use as my office, but is still in our current neighbourhood so I don't have to re-figure all the little things (where to get my dry cleaning, where to work out, etc.) again. Helpfully, my child neighbours have been slamming their/our outside doors all morning, and the music in the store below us is at top volume (I can identify the songs in my consideration, really). I think I'm having a hard core "life is too short!" moment.

    Change what you can, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
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