Hello everyone. Newbie here.

Hello everyone. I am currently unemployed , depressed & slightly overweight. I live in a new city where I do not know anyone so all I do is look for jobs, watch tv & munch. I eat out of boredom. I am not even sure that this website will help me but I am willing to give it a try. I have been working out a gym. I just started a few weeks ago. The gym has a 90 day transformation challenge going on and I signed up for it. You accumulate points and at the end whomever has the most points wins a gift basket. I am just hoping this will motivate me to get back in shape and to eat healthier. Wish me luck and I look forward to your support. :smile:


  • mizfrankie
    Hi! I'm new too. I'm from Canada and when I first moved here I was in the same place you are. Depressed, overweight, eating all the time and watching tv lol. I started exercising at home using a program called p90x and that was really helpful. I also fixed up my bicycle and started exploring the area I had moved to. I think this website is pretty great but it is up to us to stick to it. Anyway - just wanted to say - You can do it! You are not alone. Good luck!!