SAHM 1/17 to 1/23

Welcome! We are an amazing group of Stay at Home Mom's that support each other through our weightloss, parenting, etc. We welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone! I have been saying this everyweek, but I am hoping to be able to chat more this week. But for those who have known me for a while, I have been working on getting wallpapaer and wallpaper glue off my walls FOREVER! Well...great news!We finally got it all off and finished painting yesterday!:drinker: The living room still has wallpaper on it, but we are NOT going to do that one right now! We need a break from it! How would you count scrubbing and painting wall as exercise? I used it as light nmoderate cleaning...not sure though.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Well I dropped 2 more pounds last week, which means I am down about 10lbs in 6 weeks & about 10lbs from prebaby weight! IF this holds then I should be down to prebaby weight before hubby leaves on deployment! Which means I can work on the extra weight I need to get off while he is gone, with 6 months to do that I should have no trouble dropping atleast another 20lb or even more!! Well that just started my morning off great, I'm so pumped!!

    Got some running around to do now but everyone have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~So how did you get the wallpaper and glue off? Our kitchen and part of our dining room have wallpaper and I am not looking forward to taking it down for that reason but it is so dang out dated! It's at least from the 70's. :laugh:

    Christi~Way to go on the loss!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Can I play? I refer to myself as mostly scheduled hours are every other weekend, though I usually pick up a night during the week for the sake of finances. My daughter is 8 1/2 months old and I'm finally getting around to working on the baby weight. Up until a few weeks ago she was still napping on me so I had no free time during the day! After New Years she transitioned to crib naps beautifully and last week was my first having time to workout :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Victoria ~ There are a lot of us military wives on the board! You can't go wrong with C25K, so loved that program!

    Katie ~ Congrats on the loss girlie! Sorry about the inches, but they will go down too :)

    Nicole ~ Wohoo!! Getting that stuff off is the WORST! Remember when I did it?? haha, 2 layers of wallpaper on unprimed sheetrock is NOT how things should be. It was awful. It seems light/moderate cleaning would be sufficient for calorie burn count!

    Christi ~ YAY! Another two pounds, you're AWESOME!

    Wildcat ~ Welcome to our group! And congrats on the huge transition!

    Tried out TurboKick at the gym today and it was awesome! The teacher teaches just like Chalene! Loved it! I have a Bunco get together tonight, so I am making Chicken Fajita Tortilla Soup in hopes it will fill me up and keep me away from all the lovely munchies!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    wow katie--you're brave. i don't think i could even go to that get together right now. have fun with the girls tonight!

    i "rested" yesterday too. and got in lots of veges. not great foodwise but not awful either.

    i did the zumba cardio party dvd. it was challenging for me cuz i'm such a stinky dancer. but it was fun.
    still didn't burn the cals i wanted so will be walking 2-3 mi with leslie in a minute.

    AM school session done. so workout time for me. :)

    thanks for the supportive comments too. i never realized how food obsessed i had become....perhaps as the wt comes off, as the exercise becomes habit, the food choices will follow. :smile:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome Wildcatmom! Way to go on the transition with the baby.

    Katie~Thank you! It sure does feel good to lose after gaining. The inches are going to come off.

    Stacey~Checking in with you. I got my exercise in today. I am thinking that I am going to do some "weight training" later, I bench press my kids. :laugh: . It works right?!
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    Can I join too? I am also a SAHM, my son is just 11 weeks old! He's already a really active little guy, so I know if I don't get my butt in gear and get this weight off, I'm going to have a hard time keeping up with him! I'm feeling great so far, enjoying my new life as a Mom and glad to be active again (I was on bed rest for the last two month of my pregnancy and gained FAR too much weight for my liking!)
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Christi awesome are doing great.

    Stacey I just got the Zumba Cardio Party in the mail this do you like yours? I havent done it yet...I go to Zumba class on Monday nights and Friday nights so got the Cardio Party for those times I cant make it to zumba.

    Katie.....Turbo Kick sounds like it would be a great workout......good luck on the game nite tonite.....take your water bottle and suck down some serious water to keep you full.

    I ate some bad stuff last night....just got the munchies big stomach has been rolling around all day reminding me of the crap I ate.........ickkkk....hopefully can still make it to Zumba tonite....have a great nite everyone
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Just got home from my little guy's eye appt and found out he's got a birth defect in his eye that he will have for the rest of his life. Doing some more research to get a better understanding of it.

    Did day 5 of Jillian's 30 day Shred and I'm feeling awesome! My endurance from day 1 is a complete change!

    Welcome all newcomers!

    Congrats on everyone on their weight losses! I'm ready for the next weigh in :)
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Can I join too? I am also a SAHM, my son is just 11 weeks old! He's already a really active little guy, so I know if I don't get my butt in gear and get this weight off, I'm going to have a hard time keeping up with him! I'm feeling great so far, enjoying my new life as a Mom and glad to be active again (I was on bed rest for the last two month of my pregnancy and gained FAR too much weight for my liking!)

    Starting when my daughter was 1 month old I had mastits, which turned into 3 cases of back to back mastitis, and I was basically told to do nothing but rest, not even cooking or housework That was almost 2 months I spent in bed or on the couch, I know how you feel!

    Thank you for the welcome everyone :) My husband was home today so I was able to get my full work out in. I need to start getting ready for it before putting her down because her naps usually last 90 mins or so, but sometimes only an hour.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! Welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:

    KatieM- I tried various things like vinegar...but what worked is the blue gel stuff called DIF. you can get it at walmart. Krud Kutter works too.

    Katie- I hear alot about Chalean...what is that about?

    Stacey- I like how you are changing your focus, how is the HSing going?

    BArb- I am sorry to hear about your little one's eye ((hugs))

    The kids and I went on a small hike was beautiful! They had off school for MLK day. When we came home I had a pain on my shoulder. I thought maybe it was a pimple in a weird spot or something. I looked in the mirror and it was a tick! And it created a welt! YUCK!:sick: I get so grossed out by ticks! I have never had a tick give me a welt before. UGH!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone! Welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:

    KatieM- I tried various things like vinegar...but what worked is the blue gel stuff called DIF. you can get it at walmart. Krud Kutter works too.

    Katie- I hear alot about Chalean...what is that about?

    Stacey- I like how you are changing your focus, how is the HSing going?

    BArb- I am sorry to hear about your little one's eye ((hugs))

    The kids and I went on a small hike was beautiful! They had off school for MLK day. When we came home I had a pain on my shoulder. I thought maybe it was a pimple in a weird spot or something. I looked in the mirror and it was a tick! And it created a welt! YUCK!:sick: I get so grossed out by ticks! I have never had a tick give me a welt before. UGH!

    Thanks for the hugs! I did some research and its not as bad as I thought, but the thought that makes me the saddest is how kids will treat him when he is older because his one eye is different. As long as he keeps seeing both his pediatrician and the pediatrician eye dr, we should be able to keep an eye on it and if there are any abnormalities, we should be able to see them right away and catch them early. The defect he has is called, Coloboma.

    Other than that, everything is going good. Was able to keep my pace and did Jillian's 30 day shred twice today, only got to do it once on Saturday and once on Sunday, the weekends are hard to do twice, I'm lucky I got to do it once on both days.....oh well, as long as I can do it twice each day during the week and once a day on the weekends, I'm sure I'll be just fine and be where I want to be.

    That's it for tonight, going to bed. Have a good night all!
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello Ladies,
    I have been unsuccessfully trying to get on her and post more consistently. I certainly need the accountability and more friends! I've been hitting the workouts hard when I can make it but the food hasn't been great. So chocolate addicted. It has been 1 year today since I joined mfp. I am still 5 (ok, 7 but I'm not going to make the ticker go back up) lbs away from my initial goal. I have been at a 35 lb loss since JULY! Right now, though, I'm just grateful I didn't gain significantly over the holidays. I find winter so depressing, today is an other snow/ice day. I just wish I could get outside w/o the bondage of boots, coats and the icy chill beating my face :(
    I must focus on the positive though! I have lost 35lbs, I feel great and I have made and maintained some amazing changes in my life since last year.
    I decided that if it's going to be snowy and yucky we should at least have a snow day, even if we are homeschoolers :)

    So yesterday, when I was working out, I started having slight heart palpitations. It' not the first time it's happened but has happened more lately. I think I may be taking too much vit B1 and vit B12. I usually take 1 or 2 EmergenC packets a day plus my Ultimate Woman vitamins which gives me around 1500% of my daily allowance...I'm thinking I'll scale back and see if it helps. If not, then to the doc I go :)

    I have some goals for this week and they are...drink more water, eat less chocolate.

    Hello to all you new ladies, you are inspiring! I'm going to try to pop on w/ some frequency and I'll be friend requesting b/c I need that accountability!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I have some goals for this week and they are...drink more water, eat less chocolate. ----ROFL! i hear ya sista!

    i have made it another day w/o cookies. i had lucky charms yesterday and sunday had weight watchers cookie sundaes---but no straight cookies. and they are still there to tempt me.

    nicole, thanks for asking re: hsing. it's going pretty well. i think sometimes i'm squishing the love of learning part b/c worksheets can be boring. but i try really hard to find alternatives and mix things up. and i get her input too. this month is space/planets and this week in particular is science experiments. we'll have more sci sessions than we usually do.

    off to school for a mtg for dd1. wish me luck to stay focused!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Stacey~Checking in with you. I got my exercise in today. I am thinking that I am going to do some "weight training" later, I bench press my kids. :laugh: . It works right?!

    yay you! keep it up!
    today i will rest walk with leslie on the 5day slim down dvd.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~Thank you I will have to try that when I get the courage to do it. :laugh: How long did it take you to do one room?

    Barb~You are doing awesome on that 30 day shred!

    Melissa~I have been successful on posting here but not exercising until recently when Stacey invited me to be "accountable" to her everyday. It has worked for me so far. I hope it keeps working. Maybe something like that will help you?!

    Stacey~Way to go on resisting the cookies. Good luck with the school meeting. I got my exercise in today 40 min total. :happy: 20 min of ab and 20 min of cardio.

    Off I go to get ready for the day. I have a big day ahead of me. Hold strong ladies and have a good day.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Nicole~Thank you I will have to try that when I get the courage to do it. :laugh: How long did it take you to do one room?

    Barb~You are doing awesome on that 30 day shred!

    Melissa~I have been successful on posting here but not exercising until recently when Stacey invited me to be "accountable" to her everyday. It has worked for me so far. I hope it keeps working. Maybe something like that will help you?!

    Stacey~Way to go on resisting the cookies. Good luck with the school meeting. I got my exercise in today 40 min total. :happy: 20 min of ab and 20 min of cardio.

    Off I go to get ready for the day. I have a big day ahead of me. Hold strong ladies and have a good day.

    Thanks, Katie! During the week days I'm able to do it twice a day, once in the morning after I get up and then once in the evening right before bed.....helps me sleep. But on my weekends, I've been able to do in the morning each day. I'm still on level 1, but I'm doing pretty good considering half the stuff on there I HATE doing.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    barb, you're doing great . i wdn't even try that workout.

    katiem--yay! 40min is wonderful!

    i took today as a rest. i was in/out all day from 8am till 5:30pm. then i made dinner. did you know you can WRECK white rice? that's right--i messed up rice. :laugh:

    have i mentioned we got xbox 360? we are so NOT gamers. we barely can steer our hand to press the play button! it's just too funny. tonight, tho, dh and kids played bowling. they had fun.
    and what was mommy doing? laundry and dishes. oh the life....

    see ya in the morning. will workout before kids get up.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Good morning everyone........suffering from some sore legs this AM....ran 4 miles last eveining outside......temp wasnt too bad and it felt sooo good to run outside again....treadmill tends to get boring even with the ipod.......thinking today will be a rest day for a little recovery.....stacey way to go resisting the cookies.......sometimes you can just hear them calling cant you????? but you WON!!! Great job on the excercise KatieM......abs are definately something I never do.....had 3 c sectons and am soooooo week in the ab area.....need to build them up again....... bluerose....great job on the two a days......that is awesome!!!!!!! .two hour delay for us this kiddos and hubs are sleeping in......have a great Wednesday everyone.