not-so new new girl

I have actually been on MFP for awhile now but have not yet introduced myself. I am looking to tone up and get fit. Today I am staring the zumba fitness 10 day challenge. I love working out zumba-style and have just recently ordered the dvd set. I've been attending classes for 6 months and am absloutely addicted to it! I am also a seasonal runner (a 5k each spring) this year I want to rev up my time - I am very slow and need some motivation.
My weakness is food, not eatling alot of it just the wrong kinds - I am extremely busy with kids in sports, full-time job, etc. I do not pay much attention to eating healthy and need to get into a healthy eating lifestyle.
So here I am, ready to go!
I want to be in my very best shape by my 40th birthday in Septemeber!


  • TulsaTim
    SO many wonderful people on this site. You have lots of advice, inspiration and fun at your fingertips.