Heart rate monitor... beginner

Hi I am Heather, I am a mother of three wonderful children. I am going to be turning 40 in 2 years and its time for me to get my stuff together and focus on a healthier me.

So I am new to this kind of world fitness. I have been use to the quick fixes or workout for three months and give up because some thing else has taken my time with the children. But this time I am really sticking to it and have to do it as a lifestyle not a fix. So I have jumping in head first and giving it my all.

I am have started with interval training on the tredmill at least 3 days. Its not running I don't have the endurance for that yet but a fast walk 3.2 with increasing incline every 4 minutes (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 6,4 and 2) and down for two minutes. On my other days I am doing JM 2 days a week (30 days shred) combined with zumba. I have been doing some low strength training light weights more reps. and other two day dancing going out and just fast pace walk.

I have set goals for myself and I have my mind set on reaching them. But I want to do it right and healthy. So with that being said can anyone tell me what heart rate monitor they are using and where they purchased it.




  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Polar products are the way to go. I have a Polar F6 and love it. Got it off the internet. Whatever you buy make sure it has a chest strap. Good luck.
  • tracybarnhill
    I am using the Polar FT4 w/chest strap, I got it on Ebay for $49.99. Using it for the first time tonight at the gym. But go on polarusa.com and look at all the different ones, they give you features and such to help you make a decision on one. Cause you don't want one that does too many things that is not needed and get frustrated and not use it. Mine does a recording of your workout and tells you your highs and lows and calories burned etc.. but nothing like GPS and all that jazz.. Hope that helps..
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I JUST ordered one. I had the ability to get one for free from our work incentive program (we get points and can purchase things)

    this is the one i got...


    but mine is grey.
  • fasttrack27
    I agree with the gals above. Polar brand w/ chest strap (you'll get used to it). I have the FT40. Got it 'like new' (still packaged) off eBay. Thelocal ****s Sporting Goods also has a good selection but you'll pay full price. Been happy with it.
  • fasttrack27
    Thats funny! I see the system edited my reply! It X'd out some letters. Think nickname for Richard....and not Rick. Geez, cant even type certain company names anymore - LOL!!