
I'm new to MFP and just wanted to say hello. I am a mom of two and have a wonderful supportive hubby, who's work schedule makes it difficult to have a gym membership. Despite living in Canada and dealing with cold harsh winters, I have made it my goal to get free exercise around the house and outside - I even bought a pair of snowpants (size 2X) hopefully I can send those to goodwill by next winter!! I have been shoveling a lot, even doing the neighbours driveways and sidewalks. I have been bundling the kids up and pushing the stroller through the slush, taking them for walks and playing at the park. I really can't wait till spring. I would like to try biking again. I used to bike 20-30km no problem, now, I'm out of breath by 5km on my stationary bike. ((sigh))
Would love to hear from any busy Moms in the same boat. I have about 60 lbs to lose. Good luck to all of you.


  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    :smile: Hi! I too am a mom of 2 and I am looking to lose 50 lbs. My husband's work and travel schedule makes having a gym membership difficult for me as well. The biggest difference between us is I live in Southern California and I have beautiful weather this time of year. Today at 9:45 am it is already 75 and sunny! The lifestyle here is one of constant go and commuting that fast food and lots of sitting in the car is then norm. I have found the more I take my kids out and play or walk or go to the park they bug me more for it. It's like having the little voice in your head saying (go get out, do it) multiplied. I wish you all the best of luck and I hpe you reach your goal!
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Well Hello there! I am in the same boat. I work evenings, and my husband works days...no room for the gym! My life saver this winter has been my Wii. I highly reccomend it if you don't have one. You are braver than me, going outside and shoveling snow. I live in northern Minnesota, so I also know the woe's of winter. I've lived here my whole life, but am a wimp when it comes to the cold.

    ETA: I have one son who is 15 months old.

    Feel free to add me!
  • bc23
    bc23 Posts: 4
    Hello from Virginia! Good luck to you too. Mom of two...11 & 7. Just started and feeling bloated...didn't know how hard it is to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but I'm full! Keep in touch with your progress. NO 2X pants next YEAR! BC23
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Kellie! I'm a mom of one in Ohio, so I totally understand the freezing cold! My crazy busy life offers little to no time to work out! But I have set a goal for myself to run a 5k by May 7th, so I have no choice but to get to it! So, I wait until my son goes to bed, and then I go a few blocks over and run on my friend's treadmill while she runs on her elliptical! It makes it SO much easier to run with a friend! Also, doing it after my son is in bed makes me not feel so bad for leaving him at home with my hubby! We both work full time and are full time youth leaders at our church... so we not only have our biological 9 month old son, but we have about 15 teenagers we call ours also!

    One thing that has helped me immensely is being very loyal to MFP! I use the app on my phone and I put in every little thing that goes in my mouth... whether it's a piece of gum, or grabbing a pretzel as I walk through the kitchen!

    I commend you for getting out in the cold to be active... that's tough!!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I agree with the WII I love mine so much it is great for nights when I can't get out of the house...like tonight =) Golf really burns calories!
  • tboucounis
    I am a busy mom of 4 girls ages 22,20,18 and 6. I found that I have to learn to be selfish until I get the weight off. In the long run, I know this will be best for my family in the long run to have a fit, healthy mom. So my advise is to be selfish, take the time you need to exercise and eat right and where possible have the children join in . Childhood obesity is a big problem. I am a teacher and have been for over 27 years. I see overweight kids and more of them each year. Parents need to set examples for proper eating and exercise. But, take care of yourself first. Then you can be the best wife and mother possible.