Hello all!

Well good evening! I'm reasonably new to MFP, been using it for a month or so on the recommendation from a friend and I seem to be addicted!

My name's Kirsty, I live in Kent, UK and am a mummy to a 2 year old daughter. I have PCOS and am loosing weight to be healthy and we're also ttc. I've been doing a plan called dietcare since October 2010 and have lost these 57lbs in 15 weeks. Desperate to try and loose more and be closer to a normal BMI.

After trying diet after diet for many years, I've finally found something that suits and am doing well. The success stories on here are so inspiring! I've been lurking on the boards for a while!

So if anyone wants to say hi or add me, that's fine! Looking forward to getting to know some of you MFP'ers!

Kirsty xx