Need motivation again....

Anita1271 Posts: 56
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
This year hasn't started out good for me. I was doing really good the last few months, and for some reason I started slacking. Drinking more wine and beer, eating whatever I find in the fridge, which hasn't been too healthy. My portions, might be alittle too much. The last day I worked out was last week, and that was it. My husband has been working 2 jobs, and doesn't get home until after 10pm, so I stay up late so I can see him and visit with him, which makes me so tired the next day. I'm home by myself for about 4 hours so I have no real good reason not to work out. I just sit, watching TV, eating popcorn and drinking wine, not a good choice. I know I should get up and work out, but when I get home I just want to sit. I like to go for walks on my lunch breaks, but the weather has not been cooperating, if it's not raining, it's below freezing...I don't mind walking when it's cold, I just need to remember to bring warmer clothes. I just need something to get me going again, cutting out the wine & beer, make healthy eating choices, and take the time I have at home, to workout instead of sitting. I just need something......


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    you know what you need to do, I'll help motivate you...add me as a friend!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I've been there...its not easy to break that cycle. You think to yourself... there's always tomorrow, and then tomorrow turns in to weeks, months and years. Make a decision that you want this. You are going to do it no matter what. Don't allow yourself the excuses. If you need to, find a buddy to team up with to keep yourself accountable. Even better, have someone come over to exercise with you. If they show up, you're much less likely to skip the workout. Once you see the pounds coming off, that will help keep you motivated!
  • Anita, admitting the problem is probably half the work :) Or so I think the adage goes :). I work full time 8-4:30 m-f, my fiancee works night shift from about 6pm-6am ish. He leaves early because the place is shift changing and hectic. So I get about an hour with him, if I'm on time. I understand wanting to wait up and say hello to him. Once I get home, despite only having an hour, I take my dog out to walk for at least a mile. He understands, so it's not usually an issue. Drinking is a big waste of calories and carbs and such. I don't drink often, so it's not difficult to me, but my suggestion would be weaning off of a lot of it. I'd suggest your goal be at the most, one glass of wine or one beer each night, maybe try every other night at some point. When you go shopping, make the conscious choice to put healthier things in the fridge. Gone are the cookies, ice cream, debbie snacks, etc from my house. My fiancee can have the things that he likes, which i actually do not like (it's awesome!). After my walk at night, I do the biggest loser 30-day jumpstart dvd. It's very active and only 10 minutes long. So I can do that easily. I've been upping it to 20-30 minutes of the video, including cardio and strength training. It's very stress-relieving. I just got a treadmill yesterday, so I'll be doing that 20-30 minutes at least 3x per week, probably best on the weekends as that's the only time with the fiancee. This site is also my main vein for motivation. Just keep trucking and you'll get back on track :) It's taken me 5 years to get the motivation to move more. Good luck :)
  • Thanks!! I do tell myself every day, when I eat something I shouldn't or drink one too many glasses of wine, that there is always tomorrow, and I'll do better tomorrow. Then I stay up late, have a crazy day at work so when I get home, I just sit and do the same thing. I just gotta get back into my habit of right when I get home, change clothes, put in the DVD and work out, it's only 20 min, then I will feel better about myself which will help me make better choices for dinner!!! And go put that bottle of wine in the fridge in the garage, so It'll be inconvient to get some. And the next time I go grocery shopping, by healthy snacks, I already don't like sweets, so I'm lucky there! That is where I also have difficulty, buying healthy food. My husband does not need to lose weight or watch what he eats, and he likes to eat healty. But for some reason, when I get to the store I have no clue of what healthy stuff to buy. I know the vegetables fruit, but other stuff I don't know. I've been working at this for a year now, and I should know, but it always stumps me! :smile:
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