Jillian Michaels 30 day shred



  • glittersoul
    One thing that really helped me and my muscles from being sore. Is I did 15 minutes of Walk Away the Pounds right after 30 day shred. It seemed like it was relaxing to my muscles. Just thought I'd share. :)
  • marielena3155
    ok yesterday i almost cried
    as i did 30 day shred ( which i found it easier to keep up the second time in a row but with 3 pound weights)
    but then i tried to do her 40 minute video no more trouble zones and I ALMOST CRIED. i only made it to the 4th circuit and had to shut it off. too much at once.
    i was thinking of taking a break today but, i think im not!!!
    im just going to go home pump up and do at least day 3 of 30 day shred... once im done, who knows i might include shred it with weights ;)
    im pumped!
  • glittersoul
    @marielena I'll have to check out her no more trouble zones video... sounds intense .. Great job on keeping up with it!! :)