Izzygirl1985 Posts: 30
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
My younger brother and 2nd biggest cheerleader (after my BF) just called me and told me of his new exercise plan. It went something like this:

I will run 3.5 miles to dunkin donuts with my bookbag filled with my text books and purchase some boston creme donuts. I will then run back to my room (3.5miles) and take a shower before heading off to the library (free coffee there).

I don't know why but I thought this was the cutest/funniest thing ever. Thats how he plans to free his inner fatty. hahahaha


  • Sounds like a tasty way to do it. LOL Depending on the number of donuts he buys, it may just work. And heck, running 7 miles a day ain't too shabby :)
  • lol...He is a VERY FIT 21 yr old college student....I think he can pull it off. And he plans to do this 3X a week, and go to the gym 2X a week.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    LMAO..See this could work for someone who is already in shape! At this stage I couldn't see running 3.5 miles one way let alone running back! LOL
  • @Tea...lol....I know right. I would run .5 miles, then walk 3 miles...SLOWLY...Get to Dunkin donuts, polish off 3 boston kreme donuts, then catch a cab back home. lol
  • We've got an annual event here put on by Krispy Kreme called the Krispy Kreme Challenge. The challenge? Easy! You run 2 miles, scarf down a DOZEN krispy kreme donuts, then run 2 miles back.

    Hardly a very healthy event, but it's always a good time and they always fill 100% of the available slots every single year. Maybe your brother should check it out. I'm pretty sure they do them wherever Krispy Kremes are available. :D
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Hahah that is hilarious! My brother would probably do the same.
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