Zumba anyone?



  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I've only gone twice so far and it is a blast! Usually during exercise I look at the clock and think, "Really?! 20 more minutes!" and at zumba it's, "What?! Only 20 minutes left?!" Everyone seemed very nice. I have no rhythm and have never danced, but they say to just keep moving and it's fine. I did notice that when she broke things down into easy steps some people were doing the harder version that came up in a few minutes, so must be easy to modify. Can't imagine it would bother anyone if you don't get the steps. Felt great cause although the college girls had the steps much better than me, I didn't tire out like they did! Try it!!!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Zumba is awesome! I lost my baby weight with it (I still have a lot to go) but its amazing! I don't go to the classes- too shy, plus I'm not sure if they offer them in my area. BUT I got the DVDs off an infomercial! I love it! And I love using the cool toning sticks!
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