New to this site but back on the band wagon

ktren Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,

I'm feeling a little bit excited and inspired by reading other peoples posts. I have been on a mission to loose weight for over a year now and whist it has temporarily been on hold (and inched back up 4 kilos) I am ready to re commence and thinking positive thoughts.

I've been down in the dumps thinking that I have to start all over again, but when I had a look at my figures, I am still presently 11kgs lighter than when I initially started this journey over a year ago.

Last year was a monster year for me - new town, new job, new home and new relationship. Whilst I’m not happy I have put on weight; the fact that it has gone up only four kilos in this time means there has been a change in my attitude and understanding of exercise and diet. Previously stress would send me straight to the fridge and I would watch my unhappiness spiral out of control with every mouthful....... thinking about it stress was not the only trigger......boredom and a whole multitude of other excuses seem to do it too!

I had slowly gotten into the habit of swapping those impulses of eating to exercise but recently changes to my environment and routine have taken a bit of getting used to.

Intellectually I know what I need to do so 2011 is the year of getting off my bum and just doing it. No more excuses. I was getting all tangled up in the myriad of weight loss ideas and theories, I was even was considering the shakes but I know what works for me, and that is keeping a diary. Essentially ensuring I burn more calories than I consume.

Good luck to everyone and here’s to a healthier 2011.

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