1st day here, but not 1st day on diet

Hi all,
I've been counting calories since last May - the 10th, to be exact - and have lost 22 pounds out of a total of about 60. When I started I wasn't sure I could lose anything, so I've been happy to see that I can. But it's been a really slow process, and kind of frustrating at times.

I've been using a different site but wasn't sure it was figuring right for me; even when it gave me a calorie goal to lose 2 pounds a week I was barely managing 1. So today, after the first weight *gain* since I started this whole thing, I decided to try someplace else, and here I am.

And already I see some differences in the way things are figured. With both sites using the same age, starting weight, activity level, and goal of losing 1 pound a week - my daily calories here are 1270, while on the other site they're 1560. That's a *big* difference. Plus, I think the exercise calories there have been overestimated - by about 100 a day.

Anyway - it's a new year and it was time for a change. With any luck I'll be more successful here, and the next time I get on the scale it will be down, not up.



  • kworsham
    That's funny we have lost the same number of lbs and started from the same number. Just don't give up, it may be slow, but slow is better then no results. GOOD LUCK!!!:smile:
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 222 Member
    I used to use a different site too before I found this one. My calories on the other were also about 300 more per day. I am glad I found this site..you will love it! Keep up the good work. It may be slow, but it will be worth it and easier for you to keep it off.
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Hi Meg,
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I started last March. I really wanted to get back to my pre-baby weight before my 2nd daughter turned 1. I lost 20 lbs and nothing since. I've also started some new struggles - cravings at night that never bothered me before. I joined here just recently and I'm hoping this helps! Feel free to add me as a friend. Hope things work out better here for you!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Good luck, Meg! Just stared here myself a couple of days ago - so far it seems helpful. Actually seeing those calories add up during the day is quite eye-opening and makes you stop and think about something as basic as drinking coffee w/ cream and sugar

    They say slow weight loss is the key to keeping it off so just keep doing what you're doing and you will reach your goal!
  • antipholous
    You'll find that most of these sites over-estimate your needed calories, calories burned during exercise, and the projected weight loss while under-estimating calories in food and certain needed nutrients (protein to be specific because large quantities ward off hunger).

    That being said, I think this site is fine as long as you don't take it verbatim. Count your own calories (don't trust the site's estimate), wear a body bug (if you can afford it) when you work out so you know how many calories you are burning, and use common sense.

    Remember, any exercise or food you drop in your journal is only as good as the member that created it. What a 400 pound man burns while running a mile may be 300 calories, for me it's only 150. Certain foods I've placed in my journal were under what the nutrition facts on the label stated by as many as 40 calories. With 10-15 items a day that can add up fast. I try to create my own foods and meals whenever possible.

    You'll do fine, and good job on the weight loss so far. If you want to try to expedite your weight loss try some light (or heavy if you're up to it) exercise. Walking two miles would only take me 35 minutes and burn 300 calories. Over a week that would add up to a little over half a pound.