Weighing in and TOM?...AHH

Fgillies Posts: 194
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so my first week here was fab, i ate what i was suppose to ( even allowing myself some tasty snacks) did my workouts 6 days AND lost 3lbs! SO EXCITED....going so great....so now......the good ol TOM is here..and i weighed myself out of curiousity- HOLY HELL WHAT WAS I THINKING :sad: My 3 lbs..BACK...oh and guess what, they brought thier friend, 2lbs, bloating and cravings!!! (sorry guys! lol) My question is...On sunday, my official weigh in day, should i weigh in and log it as normal?

I am going to really try to up my water intake this week ( i have no problems getting my 64 oz in a day, so i figured id add another bottle or 2) as far as the water retention goes.

*Just looking for some ladies that have been here a while and had this same experience...what should i look forward to (obviously in general b/c i know we are all different)


  • I actually only log weigh ins when I lose, so everyday when I get on the scale if i've lost I log, and if not, then I dont. It helps me stay motivated and not feel all depressed and junk. Also, I do my measurements once a week because I can see the results from that!
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    I havent been here but a few days but I have been doing this weight loss journey for about 6 months now and it never fails when TOM hits I either gain or I dont lose. Just how hard I work out and focus on what I am eating. But everyone is different. This time I gained 1 or 2 lbs I think but TOM isnt over and I am losing it. I just push myself that much harder and am that much more careful on what I eat. I hope this information helps you.
  • You can't lose every day. Monthly cycles, hormone birth control, and plain old stress can make that scale your mortal enemy.

    It's just a number. It is not the end-all be-all of your existence.

    Have you exercised? Great! Getting all your water? Brilliant! Eating right & at appropriate times? Wonderful!

    Those are the successes by which you can measure your progress. When the scale backs it up, that's cool, too.


  • hi there, I've been doing this for a while (almost 6 months), I don't have major gains around TOM, I think it's because I watch my sodium intake and drink a tonne of water. If I do gain it's temporary. It's that time for me right now and I lost 0.6 lbs today. I would recommend that only weigh yourself and log your weight one day of the week. I stood on the scale a few times this week and there were lots of fluctuations, then today (my weigh in day) I'd lost!!! It's tough being a woman :-)
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    i'd only go with the weight on your "official" day ~ the fluctuations are too frustrating . . .
  • I would agree with what previous posters said, and weigh in only on your weigh in day, however I would skip the week when you get your TOM because of bloating and water retention it's gonna make it look like you've lost less, and probably make you feel bad... But its usually only temporary weight that goes away again once TOM goes away, so I wouldn't really sweat it too much
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I weigh in when I feel good. It might be everyday, once a week or something in between, but always first thing in the morning. If I miss the morning, then I wait for the next day. And then I log when it has decreased. But yes, TOM messes with the weighings.
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