Loosing Baby Weight

hkbeason Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone! This is my first post and I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there that is trying to loose baby weight? I have a 19month old and I can't loose my weight (Plus the weight i've put on after his birth) I have NEVER had to loose weight before, never had to worry about what i eat (I LOVE FOOD) and so since having our first child, i have been struggling bad!! I have started working out with a friend 2-3 times a week and that's going good but watching what i eat is VERY DIFFICULT!!


  • sarahelmtree
    sarahelmtree Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I have a 9 month old and when I started this I weighed the same amount I did when I was full term! I stay at home and I have found it to be even harder. I just keep telling myself that healthy eating habits make me a better example to my daughter and that makes me a better mom to her. I also have found that the exercise is really good for me mentally... keep up the good work!
  • x3mommy
    x3mommy Posts: 73 Member
    I am right there with you, my daughter is 4 months old and I'm ready to take charge of this. She is a good baby, but I am struggling to find time to make healthy meals a priority and exercise is hard in the dead of winter. Here's to a fresh start!
  • gmrosa81
    gmrosa81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. This is my first reply and boy do I have the same struggles. My daughter (my first child) was born 10 months ago and I'm trying really hard to loose the "baby pouch" lol! This website is great because you have the computer calculating the calories for you and tells you how many you were over/under and how many you burn with your exercise. I know it's going to super tough to loose this weight but as long as I'm under my calorie goal and exercising, even if I don't loose a ton of weight, I know I'm at least eating better :) Good luck!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    With my first I weighed the same as well for almost 3 years. It was very weird I never did have that drop some women talk about. I weighed the same going in as I did coming out and 3 years later.

    Once I really started focusing on what I was eating and exercising every day. I dropped an average of 6-7 lbs a month until I was down 83 lbs.

    You can do it. I know it is hard. I"m hoping with this baby things will be different for me this time.
  • I'm also trying to lose weight after having a baby. My son is 7 1/2 months old. I was in pretty good shape before I got preg, but totally stopped working out while preg. I started working out again when he was 12 wks old and was doing pretty well until I went back to work and also started having a lot of back pain, probably from carrying around 40 extras lbs of weight. I'm really motivated to start trying to lose again. I think I need to concentrate more on my diet. It's not horrible, but I know it could be better.
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    I too am here trying to lose my baby weight, my babies are 5 1/2 months and I am still wearing my maternity clothes! I pulled out my pre-pregancy clothes for some motivation but it only depressed me because I can't wear them! I have struggled with my weight my entire life but I had lost a load of weight and had kept it off for over two years until my twins came into the picture!

    So far I have lost 7 lbs on MFP so I am hoping that my continued dedication of logging what I eat will help me to suceed.
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I have an 8 1/2 month old and I'm only down 6 lbs from the day before I delivered! I thought it would be so easy since I've lost weight before and everyone said BFing burned major calories, etc etc. Not so much! I'm still BFing and I swear I lost weight so much easier before when I wasn't. I'm hoping seeing what I'm eating (it seems like maybe I wasn't getting enough??) and working out will work some magic!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    my "baby" will be 3 in a few weeks, and it is still baby-weight, plus. I weigh more now than I did 9 months pregnant :frown:
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Best of luck to all of you beautiful Mommies, and kudos to all of you for taking the time for YOURSELF!!! I have three blessing of my own, 7, 4, and 2... and I still have that baby flab belly. I'm getting close to my goal, but still have that pouch, it takes a lot of time and dedication! I am doing Turbo Fire, and seen AMAZING results with it, and will be ordering the Chaleane Extreme this week. I can't wait for it! I'm hoping it is the kick in the gut that I need! ;) You are all welcome to friend me too!
  • We should all friend each other to keep motivated! I'm 3 months postpartum and not losing either. The breastfeeding has done nada! I walk briskly on the treadmill 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes and go to a friends 3 days a week to do Wii and/or elliptical. I was 168 prepreg, got up to about 204(I stopped looking at the scale) and now I'm 190. NOT COOL!:cry: My period has yet to return and I think that is a huge factor. Once my hormones go back to normal hopefully the weight will come off a bit more quickly. I'll keep you posted and anyone who wants to "friend" me I'd love to continue this hot topic!:smile:
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my first post and I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there that is trying to loose baby weight? I have a 19month old and I can't loose my weight (Plus the weight i've put on after his birth) I have NEVER had to loose weight before, never had to worry about what i eat (I LOVE FOOD) and so since having our first child, i have been struggling bad!! I have started working out with a friend 2-3 times a week and that's going good but watching what i eat is VERY DIFFICULT!!
    I know exactly how you feel, I was totally there. I have two children (both c-sections) With my first son, my heaviest was 200 and managed to get down to 170. I worked out occasionally but then got pregnant a little over a year later, and was 190 with my daughter, who I just had in February.
    I currently weigh, 129 lbs. What's my advice? It has to come within you. When I had my first baby, I know I had to lose weight and that I should lose weight, but I wasn't motivated to do so. But with my second, something just clicked in my brain that I wanted to lose weight and made it more of a hobby for myself then a dreaded experience. At first, watching my calories was TOUGH. I love food and was horrible at not only eating my plate but then finishing my son's plate. This site honestly helped me take a look at my self and my diet, I don't deny myself foods, but I moderate and limit how much I eat. At first it was hard, but now it's very simple. Going to the gym and exercising became my time to get a way from the kids and do something for myself to help me not only look good but more importantly feel good.
    You will totally get there, you just have to do it for yourself and tell yourself you can do this. Allow yourself time to get used to your lifestyle change and try not to look at it as a diet, and don't be hard on yourself when you have a day where you go over your calorie goal and what not, it becomes a lot more pleasent experience when you can enjoy the process. I still to this day have my days, I still to this day eat my lunch and then scarf down the remains of my sons mac-n-cheese, but I know that day I need to go workout maybe a little harder or eat a lighter snack in the evening.
    Good luck to you mama! First, look at yourself and the mirror and know that the weight you did put on was all worth the little bundle of joy you get to hug and kiss everyday and then tell yourself it's your time to get your body back!
  • I'm also trying to lose baby weight! My baby will be 6 months this month and I also have a 2 yr old.
  • thank you for the motivation. I to had a C-sec with my child. To bad they couldn't give a little tuck while stitching you back up..lol:smile:
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    My second baby is 7 weeks old today. I'm struggling with fing the motivation to get up and back on the wii fit.vI was starting to have some success, but then had surgery and got pregnant lol. I am 10 lbs under my pre pregnancy weight, but I'm still 200 lbs! After my first baby I dropped 25 lbs under my pre pregnancy weight but was un able to keep it off. I've since had my gall bladder out, and started losing right after that. Now that I have the all clear from my Dr, which I got today, I want to start yoga on the Wii as well as the cycling game. It's harder than it looks. 2 c sections and a gall bladder removal in 31/2 years sure do a number on the belly I tell you.
  • savage_grace
    savage_grace Posts: 9 Member
    I have a 14 month old and a 2 yr old. I am trying to lose baby weight also. I weighed 170 before I got pregnant with my daughter and before delivery I was 202. After I had her I dropped to 180 then got pregnant with my son and I am having a hard time getting past 171.
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