Newbie here

sharamia Posts: 34 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
What do I want to share that won't make me sound like a walking cliche'? Hmmmm. I'm 55 and extremely frustrated with my time management and consequently my weight. When I was younger, I was very busy too, but more active. Now, I've become a computer geek and not getting out in the sunlight enough (I take prescription Vitamin D) and I'm not moving enough. Part of it is I live a suburban/rural place. I was born and raised in the city, so I walked everywhere, (there's not even sidewalks here) or I ran up and down the steps to the subway or my apartment (3rd floor). I gained alot of this weight the last two years. I quit smoking, and hit menopause. I couldn't wait to hit menopause and not have to worry about periods slowing me down, and I thought I'd have more energy when I quit smoking. Wow, was I wrong on both counts.

I didn't struggle with quitting (I smoked 43 years, since I was in the 5th grade) to still be unhealthy! So here I am. I'm feeling hopeful, from what I've read about this site. ~S
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