how did you discover this website?



  • Gotta love the parenting magazine.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I was snooping around in the App Store searching for Free Health and Fitness apps! Great on the iPod and the PC too!
  • Parents Magazine I got today
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    recommended by a friend!!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Did a google search for a free calorie counter. I knew I needed to track my cals, but I HATED keeping a paper/pen log of it. Thought there had to be a better way, and there is!! MFP!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I searched for something that did what MFP did and found it. Decent iPhone app was big winner.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I looked at myself naked in the mirror and ran screaming to my computer and googled "food diary."
  • I was journaling in a pretty little notebook in my purse, but got tired of looking up calories. Then, I just happened to watch the JoyFit club on the Today show and saw someone who used MFP to guide her to her goal weight. Right at the same time, my new Droid Incredible showed up at the door and MFP was one of the first apps I downloaded. I think I was destined to use this site!

    Now I preach the word about MFP to anyone who asks about my weight loss. I hope others can find the same amount of happiness that I have by using this site to get me to my goals!
  • Youtube, LOl!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    It was a few years ago. I had to gather information about Calories one of my patients' was eating and a coworker told me about this site. So I joined in order to be able to gather the calorie counts... but not for me at this point. I dabbled a bit at dieting with this site but with no success. My husband started using it in the fall and became addicted and slim. So I followed his lead and am grateful for this site.
    Thanks Mike!
  • I looked at myself naked in the mirror and ran screaming to my computer and googled "food diary."

    That's pretty much what I did as well:bigsmile:
    Thank God I did - at last I feel in control again.
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    I was searing for a calorie counting app on my iphone and the app from this site came up. The rest is history! :bigsmile:
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i was also looking for a calorie counting app and came across this on my iphone. i then started using the website i absolutley love it
  • gemzy24
    gemzy24 Posts: 126 Member
    Mine was on a bridal site i use where some of the Bride to be's were trying to lose weight and someone mentioned this site so i came by and been here since October now and love every think about it especially the Success stories keeps my mind where i want it to be :-)
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Slin Fast website
  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    I found it in Parents magazine, too! Needless to say I never made it passed that page in the! :smile:
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    My neice told me about it. Thank you Tan!! :love:
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    after using an app called lose it on my ipod i waw hoping to find a similiar app for my nokia phone. when i couldnt i went to mobile web for calorie counters been hooked ever since
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Ad come on my Samsung phone on 28/12...checked it out and started that very day!! Three weeks today and have lost 5ib just by watching what I put into my mouth and running three times a weeks (which I used to do anyway, but didn't watch my cal intake :tongue: )

    This site is awersome and I'm really looking forward to a life change. :flowerforyou:
  • It was recommended by friends in a weight loss group on a mom's forum I am a member of (Cafemom). It has seriously helped me keep on track and I would definitely recommend it to others.
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