Hola Everyone!

Just started on this website, figuring it all out. How is everyone liking the site so far? any pointers ?


  • Octomonkey
    Octomonkey Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to the site :)

    I started not so long ago and I love it! There's a lot of great advice and everyones so friendly
  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome! I really like the mobile app to log my food right away so I don't forget anything (I need all the help I can get with that). And I love the message boards because they really help me be accountable. Feel free to friend me! Good luck!
  • Jacki08
    thanks :)

    i'm trying to navigate around here. i dont have a ton of weight to lose but of course its in the hardest spot to get rid of (my love handles!) my biggest feat is learning what to eat. I need to reach my calorie goal of 1700-1900 a day and i'm realizing after tracking that i'm only at 1500-1600... is there somewhere on this site that recommends particular foods? i dont want to rack up my calories with just empty carbs.