25/f Newbie (NY)

BIgum Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to all, how is everyone doing? I found this site when I was searching like I'm sure most of you were as well. To tell you a little about myself I am 5'4 and 372lbs. At this time my measurements stand at 44J-44-54. For my current height as you can tell already I am very obese. I am no longer happy with the way that I look. I have no motivation to work out on my own. I can start but I will quit within a week. I don't know how to self motivate in anyway. Can anyone give me any tips?


  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Hello and welcome to the site !

    There are lots of methods that people use to motivate themselves;

    For me it was hitting 40 and having put on 22 lbs since October I realised that I needed to make a change not just to what I ate but to my whole life style. This was reinforced by my fiancee saying she was leaving me - a big period of change and I decided to use this for postive rather than a negative ( a few years ago this would have ended in me taking a large amount of alcohol in ).

    Others use a photo of themselves as they want to be and place it around their living space to remind them what they are doing.

    Some have said a photo of an item of clothing that you want to wear such as a drop dead gorgeous dress can be used.

    Simply writing down why you want to loose weight and using notes around your living space might be enough.

    Using the diary on the site and making friend can help a lot - if you want to make the change then you can do so by taking small steps - choose a goal and follow the plan

    We are all here because we have chosen to make a change - we cant force you to do some thing but we can support you on the way :)

  • I just started watching that new show on A&E called 'Heavy' and it's about the struggle of many very obese people. It's well done and also motivating. I would highly recommend that you get a personal trainer and start working out with him or her. Make sure to get the okay from your doctor before you start dieting and/or exercising. I'm having a tough time myself sticking to the 2,000 or so calories a day I am allotted. I am 42 years old, five foot three inches, and about 230 pounds. Definitely exercise will help you reach your weight loss goals. You might want to get a nutritionist, which can help too. Don't try to do it alone, or just relying on online help. You need real people, in person, to help you reach your goals. Good luck and good job getting started. You can do it!!!::flowerforyou:
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member

    Log onto this site every day, count the calories it allows you and log it. Log any exercise you do, even if its a five minute walk. Measure yourself a couple of times a week, and your sucess will motivate you. If you think you would like support then people on here are always more than willing to befriend you and write encourage things on your feed. :)

    You will need determination and perseverence, but you should know, you will lose at least 3 pounds (AT LEAST) in your first week.

    Try a week, then try 2 weeks, perhaps then a month... one step at a time :)
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29

    All I can say is count your calories - it really does work! And in your calorie allowance eat food you like rather than 'diet' foods as that will make you miserable and you will quit earlier. Start cooking new things - diets tend to make you think more about food so put that energy into being creative and having fun, loosing weight dosn't seem like such a chore when you realise the stuff you are eating is tastier than junk or fatty foods.

    Use this site! Not only will it make the calorie counting soooo much easier but it's good motivation for exercise when you can clearly see how much more you can eat that day afterwards. If you still need more look at the success stories bit of the forum for a pick me up. And add friends - its good to keep talking to people going through the same journey or also trying to loose a bit of weight, they will hold you accountable and cheer you on :)

    Also for motivation google the blog '344 pounds' - that guy is a legend :)

    So good luck, I'm sure you will do it! If you fancy some support feel free to add me :smile:
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    It's hard to get yourself to get motivated. People will find excuses not to exercise or to eat stuff they know they aren't supposed to. If you have no idea of what kind of diet to go on. You have to look at what there are out there. I just count calories. I eat what I want but limit myself to a smaller portion.
    It will be tough at first. You are used to eating a larger portion then, and now it's smaller. As you keep on the diet (what ever you choose) it will get easier. Don't get me wrong you will have cravings and want to eat stuff. Just know if you do you will have to limit yourself.
    I wish you all the best.
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    One good tip about portion size is to buy smaller plates.......it sounds odd but it does work - you can fool you mind to think you have the same amount to eat.
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member

    Welcome to MFP! I can tell you from my own experience, this website has changed my life!! It has given me all the tools and support to help me on my way to my goals. I hope you find this same success as you try to reach your goals. Everyone on here is so great and supportive, and these boards are a wealth of inspiration, hope and motivation. I wish you good luck on your journey!

    Take care!
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member

    Welcome to MFP! I can tell you from my own experience, this website has changed my life!! It has given me all the tools and support to help me on my way to my goals. I hope you find this same success as you try to reach your goals. Everyone on here is so great and supportive, and these boards are a wealth of inspiration, hope and motivation. I wish you good luck on your journey!

    Take care!
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member
    Whoops, I posted twice.. double the luck :flowerforyou:
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