Another New Year Newbie from Glasgow

emdipsy Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone

I just thought I would introduce myself. I just joined yesterday after a recommendation from a friend. My names Emma from Glasgow and I have about 24 lbs to lose. I'd like to lose this by the summer but the majority of it by April for my birthday and holiday. My problem is portion size I think. I dont really eat badly or snack much but i like big portions of pasta/rice/noodles etc for dinner and i also eat too much bread and drink too much wine!!!! I dont feel very confident about myself and my weight at the moment so I am determined to stick to my diet this time and get some of my self confidence back. I plan to exercise using the Wii and I also have a gym membership (although i haven't been for a few months) and though I feel a bit intimidated at the gym I am going to force myself to go!! It would be great to have some support from fellow members so please feel free to add me as a friend.



  • Hi Emma!

    My names Kirsten and I'm from Edinburgh! I only joined yesterday so just getting the hang of everything. I am the same as you with the portion sizes! I have been serving myself the same portion sizes as my boyfriend and it's always things like pasta and noodles that i was having for dinner .. oh and also i am the bad for the wine :P. I'm not looking forward to this weekend cause it's my first weekend of being good AND i'm going away on holiday for the weekend - agh!
    I think using the Wii is such a good idea cause it is a much more fun way of exercising but I don't have one :( let me know how you find it though! Are you using wii fit?

  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    Hello both of you!

    Been here a couple of weeks now (this place really does help!), also had the problem of portion sizes and being a total wine fiend :smile: . Though I have no plans to deal with the wine thing, I've found that working out the cals of recipies as I'm making them on the website helps me sort out what is the right portion for me - eating the same amount as the bf every night is never a good idea...

    If you are interested lots ok UK people can be found here -

    Good luck! (emdipsy, have added for support)
  • Hi Kirsten
    Yesterday was the first time i've been on my Wii in ages - the top half of my body is in agony today!! I have Wii Fit, Wii Sports and Just Dance so just going to do a mixture of them and i'll probably start walking the 3 miles home from work each night. My gym does Zumba and aerobic classes so might start giving them a go too! Think i'll give the Belly Dancing one a miss though! Where abouts in Edinburgh are you from? I have a couple of friends who are teachers there and live in the Leith area. Lots of luck with being good :-)
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