Results from Kettlebell Classes

Hi All, I'm new here and was wondering if you can advise how long it takes to notice a difference by doing kettlebell classes? Thanks:smile:


  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    I would assume it would take a good 6 weeks but I have no clue, just guessing. I do know that the one thing I notice from taking them is how freaking sore I am and can't do anything else for days! LOL!
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    I'm starting tonight and dreading it - heard it's a killer ! If I'm not online tomorrow you know what has happened to me. :laugh:
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Curious... how do you choose the right size kettlebell? I'd love to use a kettlebell for workouts but don't know the first thing about them... other than remembering seeing them used in Muscle Media 2000 about 15 years ago. lol
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Kettlebells are awesome and results are pretty quick. It's a full total body workout that utilises heaps of core strength and will get the heart rate up quite nicely.

    Did you mean results in terms of weight loss or muscle tone or strength?

    To what extend muscle tone is visible obvious depends on the amount of body fat covering it. Personally I think by doing 2 or 3 work outs a week, you should notice a reduction in body fat and an increase in overall strength.
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    Hi thanks for the reply - I was kinda hoping for weightloss. I have 30lbs to lose and wonder if this will speed things up for me. Thanks again
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    I'll post tomorrow on how the trainer selects the weights - I haven't a clue!
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    I had my first class last night and I am really feeling it today.... We used a mixture of 4kg and 8kgs depending on the exercise. Have another class tomorrow night - hopefully I will be able to move painlessly by then!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ah yes... kettlebell DOMS are legendary!! :happy:

  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Curious... how do you choose the right size kettlebell? I'd love to use a kettlebell for workouts but don't know the first thing about them... other than remembering seeing them used in Muscle Media 2000 about 15 years ago. lol

    I am waiting on mine to arrive hoping today or tomorrow but this is what I found out about them from where I ordered them :wink:
    What Weight Kettlebell Should I Get?

    We recommend that anyone not currently active in a physical fitness program begin with a 5-pound kettlebell, with most women later advancing to a 10-pound kettlebell and most men later advancing to a 10 and then a 20-pound kettlebell. Those who are currently active and physically fit may elect to begin with a 10 or 20 pound kettlebell. It is important to note that the KettleWorx program is specifically designed to produce the best results when using kettlebells of the above recommended weights.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Women usually start out with 5-10 pound kettle bells and men usually 15 pounds. I bought the set from that guy, can't remember his name. I did it one time and was so sore. I plan on attempting it again soon. The swing move is really hard on my back as I have degenerated, herniated disk ie., cages and screws from surgery. I was hurting real bad the day after and then some. It seems like a great workout though, very effective. I will keep attempting! I would love to be able to find a class but I live such a small town.
  • jenblwr
    jenblwr Posts: 53
    Hi everyone - I just saw an ad on TV about kettle bells and would love to get them a try, but there are no classes around here...and I can't afford the price of the kettleworx kit..

    I found a 10 min solutions DVD online that is designed for kettlebells..and was just wondering if anyone else had tried it? The reviews are I'm not sure if it's a good place to start or not!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I have 3 kettlebells: 16, 20, 24 Kg (33, 44, 53 lbs). I am a 56 year old man who weighs 150 lbs. I would not recommend anything lighter than 25 lbs as a starting point for men, and 15 lbs for women. My wife is 60 years old and uses an 18 & 26 lb KB, sometimes 33 lbs! If you go too light, you will get very limited results. The main thing is to learn the proper technique and buy a good book describing the exercises. Kettleworx is overpriced IMO and not enough weight. Good luck!
  • catzybird
    catzybird Posts: 15 Member
    Don't know when we will be upping to the heavier weights but found it tough enough with the ones we were using - those heavier weights can be the goal for now - thanks everyone for replies and best of luck for 2011 with your weightloss / fitness goals :wink: