Yo-Yo Dieting: Personal Story

So this is my second time on this website/seriously trying to get some weight off me. Last year, I had great success on this website and with a great diet plan. I lost 30 pounds, loved the way I looked and felt, and was on my way to success of living a healthier lifestyle.

I then had an opporunity to move jobs to another state, had several weddings over the summer, and completly went off the deep end again and went right back to my old eating habits. Over the span of 7 months or so, I gained it all back and then some. My work provided lunch and dinner in buffet styles almost everyday and it just killed me along with the stress of a new job.

I am starting back on the right path to being healthy again but more than anything I am disappointed in myself for all that hard work I had put in initially that went to the way side. I worked my butt off to get that weight off of me and then for some reason I just let it go and gained it all back.

I want to life a healthier life. I want to live to have kids and see them grow up. I know that eating all that junk is horrible for me. Just trying to get back on the horse.

One thing that scares me is that I have really always lived by the phrase "Tigers can't change their stripes." When it comes to eating and my diet, it kind of scares me to think of what that could mean for me.

Anyone have any thoughts or comments? Would love to hear them whether they are positive or negative.


  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I dont agree with your tigers... I think that people change, usually when something really dramatic or really happy happens to them. I came to a point where i felt totally useless and bad for myself because of my weight, and i decided that its in MY hands to change that and do something about it. You have it in you. Your stripes - your REAL stripes - are still waiting for you to show them proudly to the world! You can do it, this site is great and i hope it works for you this time - its just important that we learn from the past...thats my opinion:)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    You can do it, cashman! Don't worry about your past-- that's why it's behind you! Take the experience as a mistake you can learn from. Try to start a new hobby that's simple and easy to do, and try to fill yourself with learning this new activity rather than eating more than you should. Or, everytime you feel you're about to cave in, do a quick set of pushups!

    The best motivation I've found is tracking my food on MFP and seeing my calories right in front of me. The number is in my face and I'm not just guessing (and underestimating) how much I've eaten. Success is one day at a time, and eventually one week at a time. You've ridden this horse before; you know where the trail leads. Friend me if you would like a buddy. :-)

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Use that experience. Now you know that all that work will go to waste if you don't keep an eye on your life style. That is what growing up is all about.....learning from your experiences (good or bad) At least you know what to do and the fact that you can do it!!!!