WOW!! - my new found powers!!

naughtydoguk Posts: 120
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Well, as some of you may know I have a pacemaker fitted, Ive had it for about 12 years. Only the last 6 months or so have I been exercising...before that I just sat around being a lazy *kitten*!

So, at xmas I got a heart rate monitor ( model - sportline Duo), I started recording my calorie burns in january. I also noticed my heart rate would go to about 132 and no more, I felt like I had a bit more to give but it wasn't happening.

Last week I went for a check up on my pacemaker and lo and behold, it is set to max out at 130 BPM. I asked about increasing it a little, after much humming and harring they gave me another 10 bpm so I can go to 140 bpm now, how kind of them. They also changed another vital setting, and I think this is what scared me -your hearts natural pacemaker is in the top part of your heart, so originally as I worked out, my electronic pacemaker would just follow my hearts rhythm up to 130 bpm and put the brakes on! Now, my new setting will sense my body movement and exhersion level and will lead my heart to 140 rather than tagging along for the ride to 130 bpm as before.

Fast forward to last night, my regular Boxercise class, WOW!! - did if feel different!! I was at 142 bpm before i knew it, i was sweating like mad, out of breath, on my felt like I had took a massive step backwards in my fitness, I think this is because my heart for the first time in forever...was working at 10% above what it's done for a long time...this was a strage feeling to say the least.

I think i need to re-educate my heart to the new found powers it has given me.

My calorie burn last night for 40 mins was 648 calories - which seems a pretty good burn to me.

My max heart rate should be 220-43= 177 bpm, so i am well under my max but hopefully in a safe zone still.

So there you have it!



  • Well done you 10 out of 10 for courage.
    Just remember ...... dont do to much to quickly, bet it felt good after.
    Keep up the fab work.
  • I am glad you had it checked out and glad they revved you up a bit. But, please just be careful.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Great news Nick.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Make sure you use your new powers for good (well, maybe some evil now and then). :bigsmile:

  • Make sure you use your new powers for good (well, maybe some evil now and then). :bigsmile:


    I will try..God loves a trier!!
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