Hi im new :)

hello everyone my name is lesley and i have tried most diets but now i just cant afford it as being out of work i have two children my daughter is 8 and my son is 13 months.there my world. i am desperate for support and sometime a kick up the butt as i suffer with depression and im have a few bad days.
i have a gym referal and i go to the gym 3 times a week and i have joined zumba too but i have been going for a month now and have only lost 1lb i maily eat meat with salad love my healthy foods just the weight not shifting which is well annoying .
hope you are all well and doing good with your weight loss. x


  • susanaz
    susanaz Posts: 24
    Hi, I'm new too! I also suffer from depression , so I totally get it! I take Welbutrin, and I am not sure if it is actually causing weight gain or preventing me from loosing so I am frustrated as well. I am a mommy of 2 boys ages 13 & 18 ,married and work part-time.
    I am also looking for a few support buddies :)
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    I've been on here for a week, and suffer from depression. I think my Effexor caused me to gain some of the weight over the past 3 years. My doctor is switching me to Cymbalta soon because the Effexor isn't working as well as it was and when the dose goes up, my blood pressure gets really high. I'm nervous about Cymbalta. I hope it works, and I'm also concerned about more weight gain... Friend request me if you would like. I need all the support I can get!
  • lesleyk26
    lesleyk26 Posts: 14 Member
    hey ladies
    i have been told i have depression but i started to take my pills for 2 months but then i kicked myself up the *kitten* lol so now i dont take then and i just try and get over the bad days. i seen my doc this am she thinks that i still take them but i dont i have a follow up appointment next week and im gonna speak to her about it properly about y i dont wanna take them.
    i started the slim fast thingy today i hope that i do well lol but all im craving for is toast pmsl i thought it would of been chocolate hehe
    how are you ladies doing?
    im dreading tomz as its my weigh in day with my partner i hope i lose so he can be proud of me or i will have to get my purse out :/
    Hope that your both doing good :) xx