definition of insanity

Journal entry from yesterday, I think worth sharing.....

So another Monday morning after a weekend of ****ty eating, little activity and way to much alcohol last night. I sit here at my work desk, bloated, defeated, hung-over, and most importantly utterly disgusted with myself. This cycle must stop! I'm so disciplined during the week and then the weekend rolls around and poof there goes all my hard work. I've teatered around 160 for the better part of a year going up 7-8 pounds, then down 7-8 pounds. So in essence I've lost an additional what 64 pounds to my already huge loss of 79, problem is I keep losing the same fricking weight so I go nowhere!! Crazy math I know but I digress. What have I really learned I ask myself?

The definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." I think that was an Einstein quote or some other smart guy with a ton of commons sense I apparently do not possess ;)

So this bull**** cycle ends right now. I've managed to create a new healthy confident life for myself that has taken me over two years to get to a heathly BMI. And 30 plus years of living to understand I am worthy of that healthy life. So why I can't manage to ditch this last bit of monkey off my back er' gut is a mystery. But no amount of self reflection or justification is going to get this last 20 pounds gone. No it's gonna take hard work & detication!! Both of which I think I am just pissed off enough to have in me.........who's with me???????


  • jnnfrlux
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jnnfrlux
    pick ur self back up dont give up///
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Weekends... Eugh! Should be a four letter word! I used to weigh myself every monday so I would be accountable on the weekends. The past couple weeks I barely have said a word to the scale. We are like strangers in the night.

    Why in the world does wine have to taste so good with munchies?
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120
    amanda great idea! see something so simple I never thought of. From now on Monday monring will be my weigh in day, thanks! Oh and I'm off the sauce for a good while that should help trim down the cals!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Same boat here. I would be an ANGEL all week long and then up comes the weekend and it all goes to pot. This last week I had a "sit down-this is serious-I NEED YOUR HELP" conversation with my hubby wherein I confessed to my weekend issues (secret late night snacks, not logging properly, skipping workouts, etc.) and asked him to keep me on straight and narrow. Also, I brought my mondo-huge water jug home from work (the thing holds like 156 ounces) and made sure I drank the whole jug before I was allowed any evening "adult" beverages. Worked like a charm over last weekend (I actually LOST weight).