Hey, Im a newbie!!

carlyannabelle87 Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Guys,

Just downloaded this app on my iPhone....so I'm new to this.

I've never counted calories before ever in my life but I consider myself very fortunate as I have always been able to eat whatever I want without putting on weight.

I'm 23...currently weigh 9 st 1lb, even though I don't necessarily need to lose weight, I'm trying to watch what I eat because I have spent practically all of my life living on crisps, choc, chips, biscuits, cakes, and other carbs like potatoes, bread etc....

I think its time to change the diet purely for health reasons, as eating all that junk constantly makes me so lethargic and tired.

Having spent so long eating rubbish I am finding it so hard to eat a salad for lunch as opposed to my usual sandwich, crisps, choc and a cake. So any tips on how to keep at it would be great :) Willpower is not my strong point, I could murder a box of chocolates as we speak!

I would ideally like to be under 9 stone, but thats just me being vein I suppose.

I love working out at the gym, and I admit I am trying to lose my rather stubborn BACKSIDE!!

Would love to hear about other like minded people. Come say hi :)


  • Hi welcome to myfitnesspal!! It is great that your making a change!
  • thank you very much :)
  • Hello and welcome! this place has a lot of great people
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    Hi! I just started Friday. Like you, I have lived on the sandwiches, chips, chocolate, any junk food. I would choose the unhealthy over the heathy any day. Since I started keeping track of everything I eat, it makes me want to do better. When you are honest and record everything, it is shocking to see how many sugars and fats you may eat in a day. When I say you, I mean me. Also, I rarely exercised. I have seen a difference already! I get up and want to eat right and am already think about what exercises to do for today. Good luck! Healthy eating is so important! I have a niece who is skinny as a rail but she is a diabetic. I am proud of you for wanting to change to healthy eating.
  • Awww TwilaG.....thank you very much....

    It's scary to see how much rubbish I was putting into my body. It's definitely not about losing weight for me, just watching what I eat and being healthy, but surely I cannot deny myself of any carbs?!?!

    I wish I knew what the hell to do with this diet malarki....im so new to this and I do not know the first thing about nutrition. I thought a sandwich was healthy lol!

    I have a lot to learn but will try to stick at it :)

    I know when I get to my 40s that I won't be so lucky with my figure, as "the change" would have set in. lol.
  • Welcome -- Good luck with your journey! MFP is a wonderful place with great people :smile:
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