my hello

I figured I would post my hello since it seems that the more support you have on here the better. I am finishing up my first week (offical weigh in on Thursday) and am already down 4lbs! Since tracking my food I am shocked at just how bad I ate. I knew it was bad but never thought it was THAT bad! Still struggling to make the right choices but I am more aware now that if I eat something that is higher in calories I should be more careful in the next meal. Happy Tuesday to everyone!



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    You have to look ahead a little and then you can
    decide what to do with those extra calories.
    I find when I don't use the extra calories I seem
    to lose weight. Anyway, good luck on your
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Hello and welcome - it can be a shock when you look at what you eat - I know it shocked me ! Trying to have a balanced diet is easier with the tracking tools !

    I can plan a day of food and modify it if I have too much or too little of something and then I can work towards better food choices.
  • Sohnsearae
    Seeing everything you eat in a day is a complete reality check when it's all on the screen. But making the adjustment will make you a healthier person. I too am looking for all the support I can get on my journey, add me if you want!