30 day shred progress

Hello, I started the 30 day shred program wiht Jillian last week on 1-11-11. as of today I am onto level 2. but I have lost 5.5 pounds. I am doing it 6 days a week. with sunday as my rest day. I have lost inch wise;

waist- 1 inch
upper arms- .50 inches
hips- 1 inch
thighs- 1 inch

so anyone else doing it or have done it. I have quite alot of weight to lose, so hopefully my metobilsm stays up and i can continue to lose wieght and inches.

anyone have any tips, or if you are doing it, post your progress, or if you completed it then your overall progress. I find it challenge for me since i am overweight. I am also watching what i eat, i eat about 4-6 times a day, small meals, or snacks. i am averaging about 1200 calories, sometimes a little less and sometimes a little more. but my fat intake is lower, i watch my carbs alot.

any inspiration is encouraged!


  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    if you start to plateau on her program (i.e. your body gets used to it) you could switch it up and do something like Power 90. I was on a plateau for about a month and i started this program saturday and have already lost a lb. :) i've done the 30 day shred like..twice haha. i gave up on it because..well i dont have any excuses but it is what it is :) good luck on your journey!! i've lost 27lbs so far :)
  • sonya0708
    i am doing the video i have heard a lot of women dont lose a lot of weight from it but they get way better strong muscle. I switch it up everyday i do her video only three times a week on mon, wes, and friday. Then i do other stuff like belly dancing i know it sounds silly but its fun and great on the abs, the walk the miles video etc. I get bored easy if i do the same video. But congrats on going to level two I am still on level one : ) and i have lost 6 lbs in three weeks and i take at least one day of a break to let my body rest and of course lots of water

  • sonya0708
    i am doing the video i have heard a lot of women dont lose a lot of weight from it but they get way better strong muscle. I switch it up everyday i do her video only three times a week on mon, wes, and friday. Then i do other stuff like belly dancing i know it sounds silly but its fun and great on the abs, the walk the miles video etc. I get bored easy if i do the same video. But congrats on going to level two I am still on level one : ) and i have lost 6 lbs in three weeks and i take at least one day of a break to let my body rest and of course lots of water

  • zowie717
    zowie717 Posts: 9 Member
    i am planning on adding running to my daily exercise on top of this after this week so that my body doesnt get use to it. as i only want to do it once. then move onto a different dvd but continue my running 3 times a week. hopefully the change up will prevent the stall... thank you.....keep up your great work!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I started my first 30 days 1.5 months into my fitness with a 17lbs lost already, so when i finished i was able to lose 8lbs more.
    went from 32in waist to 27. today is my 24th day on my 2nd round, i will weigh in and measure when im done
    keep shredding!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I am on Day 12 right now. So far i've lost 1lb :( BOOOO lol
  • kisha92277
    AWESOME - keep up the good work - Im rooting for all of us ;0)

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  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well Im starting mine today So I will keep you posted!!! Dont give up :)
  • zowie717
    zowie717 Posts: 9 Member
    how about your inches and stamina??? i bet those have imporved..; )
  • zowie717
    zowie717 Posts: 9 Member
    awesome! thank you for the progress and inspiration. ; )
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I had success in the past (2009) and completed the 30 days straight. Towards the last part of the program (middle of level 2) I started running/jogging 1-2 miles afterwards. I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio to really lose. I love how short the workouts are and my arms and shoulders looked great. I also continued an extra 15 days on the shred - after the 30 days I would complete different level each day (which means I did level 1 (mon), level 2 (tues), level 3 (wed), then start all over) for the extra 15 days along with running/jogging 1-2 miles.

    As a result I lost 12 lbs in "45" days of the shred, had arm/shoulder definition, and ab lines :wink: . I also think my core was much stronger with the plyometrics work in level 2 & 3 especially. I did have more endurance to run longer as the program came to an end.

    Hope this helps. I modified the program to speed up my results and it worked! I am on the program again because I didn't maintain like I should have. I know what works for my body and I think it's perfect for a busy mother like myself.
  • zowie717
    zowie717 Posts: 9 Member
    wonderful..thank you for the detail! I will keep that in mind and keep up your great work.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I ordered this and can't wait to get it and try it!!!! :)
  • I had success in the past (2009) and completed the 30 days straight. Towards the last part of the program (middle of level 2) I started running/jogging 1-2 miles afterwards. I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio to really lose. I love how short the workouts are and my arms and shoulders looked great. I also continued an extra 15 days on the shred - after the 30 days I would complete different level each day (which means I did level 1 (mon), level 2 (tues), level 3 (wed), then start all over) for the extra 15 days along with running/jogging 1-2 miles.

    As a result I lost 12 lbs in "45" days of the shred, had arm/shoulder definition, and ab lines :wink: . I also think my core was much stronger with the plyometrics work in level 2 & 3 especially. I did have more endurance to run longer as the program came to an end.

    Hope this helps. I modified the program to speed up my results and it worked! I am on the program again because I didn't maintain like I should have. I know what works for my body and I think it's perfect for a busy mother like myself.

    that's fanvelous! I want to try this in addition to maybe 30-45 minutes on the arc trainer/day. Hopefully I can replicate your results :)
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I did the entire program 3 times last year. I lost about 15 pounds which was 10% of my body weight. I fell off the wagon for a while, but am back. I love the original Shred, but recently got Shred it with Weights. It is a great compliment to the original Shred. Good luck!
  • zowie717
    zowie717 Posts: 9 Member
    great! i wonder if that is the one i have. because i use weights with it. i bought this one at target few weeks ago. i will have to check when i get home. Thank you!
  • debbieruth
    That's awesome!! Sounds like you've done some good work so far. I actually just bought the 30 day shred, and today is gonna be my official first day. :D
  • bsh81
    bsh81 Posts: 9
    I'm just finishing circuit #1 of the 30DS, and here are my stats:

    9.1 lbs lost
    Arms: 0.5" lost
    High waist: 2.5" lost
    Low waist: 1" lost
    Thigh: 0.5" lost
    Arm: 0.5" lost

    However, keep in mind that this coincides with a lot of other changes in my exercise / diet routine that started right when I was starting this program:
    1. Eating approx. 1450 cals / day (1200 + 250 exercise)
    2. Cutting out cokes and drinking 2 liters of water / day
    3. Just exercising.... this accounts for the first time exercising in about 10 years. I do the 30DS five times / week.

    Hope this helps!
  • zowie717
    zowie717 Posts: 9 Member
    thatnks so much for the posts and progress. i will be posting my weekly progress on here. so saturday I will post my stats again.. anyone who wants to friend me please do. I can use all the support i can get.. :
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    I have been doing the 30 day shred for 18 consecutive days, no rest days because I just want to get in the habit of exercising each day. I have lost 3 pounds but not really worried about what the scale says because I can tell a huge difference in my clothes. Pants are much loser and my arms, abs and butt are more defined. I feel stronger and have more energy. My tummy doesn't flop as much as it did prior to this workout, thighs also are not slapping together anymore. So I am assuming I am gaining muscle that is why the scale is not moving quickly. I am okay with that. I have lost weight quickly in the past just by dieting only to have it ninja me two months later with all of it gained back. This time I am going slow and steady. A pound a week is my goal so so far I have met my goal. :happy:
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