alright ladies - how do you deal (exercise wise) with your "

cflorkie Posts: 92 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
do you lay on the couch, out of commission for a week, or do you get back on that treadmill? I'm just so zapped that I can't find the motivation to go to the gym right now! Aunt flow usually lays me up on the couch for at least 3 days but I hate to think of losing that much exercise! Tell me your secrets!! :wink:

Of course today's routine WOULD BE abs!:noway:


  • I just suck it up and get moving. :smile:
  • hi if your in pain dont workout drink lots of water and stay away from the caffine. if you dont feel good dont do it your body will not function right. also dont lay down and eats lots of junk food eat healthy and bananas has lots of potassium that helps will cramping the body hope aunt flow leaves soon
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    The more you workout the easier it gets! Get off the couch and work your butt off!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I just suck it up and get moving. :smile:

    me too!
  • working out helps my cramps, so I work through it
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Oh I feel so bad for you. I use to have cramps like that when I was in high school. After I had my first child all of that magically went away and it was bliss. I hurt so bad I couldn't accomplish anything. Aleve was about the only thing that worked for me. Definitely take something to relieve the pain and then try to workout anyway to see if it helps.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Yea Aunt flo is here now for me but I make myself go... to be honest I feel better and less cramping!
  • lisabernard
    lisabernard Posts: 59 Member
    Start small and just get moving. Build your energy level. If the treadmill idea makes you sick to your stomach because it's "exercise", maybe just go for a walk. I have a dog and the dog has gotten used to the walk and gets very happy when she sees the leash. Or find like friends that are in the same boat and encourage each other. Look for active things you could do. Instead of going to the movies, go bowling. Instead of driving, ride your bike. Go to the mall and take a few laps around. Play active sports with friends. Or get a Wii - those have lots of fun exercise games!!! Make it fun and you will be more likely to do it. Then once you build the energy you will be more likely to do the "real exercise".
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Oh I feel so bad for you. I use to have cramps like that when I was in high school. After I had my first child all of that magically went away and it was bliss. I hurt so bad I couldn't accomplish anything. Aleve was about the only thing that worked for me. Definitely take something to relieve the pain and then try to workout anyway to see if it helps.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Just another day for me! Luckily for me I have never had cramps so I don't have pain to deal with. I don't change any of my routine during my TOM!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I get up and move, but if I'm really hurting, I don't always do a full workout. Even a 15 minute walk is better than nothing--*some* exercise is always better than *no* exercise!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I just deal with it. Heck, I've been dealing with it every month for 27 years! I usually feel much better after. Movement seems to help.
  • i take a midol with a big glass of water. wait 20 and off i go.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Aunt flow is currently visiting me and I have maintained my workout routine as usual ... I must admit though yesterday I got the worst stomach cramp and muscle tightening ever ... it only lasted a minute or two but i ate a banana and worked a little less hard today and had another banana ..... Just listen to your body try working out and stop if you cant keep going
  • Advil is my friend!!!!!!!!!! Take some, suck it up and get moving. You'll feel so much better!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    exersice acually slows it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    asprin for the pain and again to suck suck it up...if you wanna loose it you will do the exersice!
  • Honestly - that is my official week off. I exercise if I feel like it, but I get a free pass if I don't. It is a no-guilt time for me. I think I deserve small breaks and a time for my body to recoupe. After it though --- I hit it hard!!! :smile:
  • cflorkie
    cflorkie Posts: 92 Member
    ah thanks girls, you have kicked my *kitten* in gear! I'm not going to go to the gym (although I kind of want to, I'm pretty sore from yesterday's workout) But I will pick up that wiimote in a few minutes, and have a banana with breakfast! And I WILL make it to the gym tomorrow!:drinker:

    Thanks for the ideas!!
  • I actually find that doing crunches helps out with cramps. Take a midol and try to get moving, but take it easy. If your energy is zilch you don't want to push too hard and hurt yourself! I know that I sometimes get light-headed or nauseous around that time, so doing something low-impact and close to the ground like yoga is a good solution.

    And if you just can't get moving on those days, don't beat yourself up about it, just get back on your schedule once you feel better. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body when it tells you to take a break!
  • darcienewb
    darcienewb Posts: 1 Member
    Since I've been working out I've realized how much my "cycle" week zaps my energy both physically and emotionally! I've been trying a few Ibuprofen & a big glass of water with some "Jack" about an hour before I work out. It gives me the energy I need to do a productive workout. It just makes me feel so much better when I can lay down at night and recognize that I exercised today and didn't make excuses. I do take it a little easier on myself during this week.
    As women, it's just a part of life. We can lay in bed and whine or stop making excuses and get our butt to the gym. Just another opportunity to see what we are made of....right?!!
    Now grab one piece of Dove Dark Chocolate and get your butt to your exercise class! LOL
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