Hi, I am New - just started yesterday 1/17/11

Wow, this site seems cool. I also downloaded the app to my phone. I have a goal of 60lbs. After having a baby 7 months ago, I am finally getting some sleep. Now that I am more well rested I am so motoviated to lose this weight. I have hired a personal trainer at the gym so that is how serious I am. I hope everyone on here can help keep me motivated as I will try to do the same for you!:smile:


  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome! I love this site. It's the only weight loss program that seems to work for me. It's all about setting reasonable goals and taking baby steps.

  • AmbyBoo
    Welcome, I startedon this site 5 days ago and I love the how easy it is to count your calories and keep track of what you're doing. I have lost 2.9lbs since i started and it's working great for me. I hope you have a fantastic time visitin this site I know i love it so far. And if you need anything let me know. You can do it take your time and baby steps are the key. good luck :)
  • Sohnsearae
    Hello, welcome, I'm somewhat new as well. I started on the 3rd. Add me if you'd like we can help support each other on this journey!